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	  Conference on Functional Programming Languages and
			Computer Architecture
		    London, September 11-13, 1989

	    *Sponsored by IFIP WG 2.8 and ACM SIGPLAN/SIGARCH

The fourth in a series of conferences on Functional Programming
Languages and Computer Architectures will cover the theory, design,
implementation, and application of functional or applicative
programming languages, and research on new computer architectures
designed to support functional programming.  Architectural issues
relating to implementation of functional programming languages on
conventional architectures are also relevant.  Papers accepted for the
conference must contain material not presented previously in any
formal forum.

Authors should submit five copies of a {\it full\/} paper (not
exceeding 20 pages), and ten additional copies of a 300-word abstract
to the Chairman of the Program Committee (if copying facilities are
not available one copy will do).  Submissions should be double spaced
or typeset 10-point on 16-point spacing.  Names and affiliations of
authors should appear on both paper and abstract.  Papers will be
judged on relevance, clarity, correctness, originality and
significance.  It is important to include specific results, sketches
of their derivations, and comparisons with previous work.

Submissions must be received by March 10, 1989, and should include a
return postal address, and an electronic address wherever possible.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 8, 1989.
Full versions of the accepted papers must be received in camera-ready
form by June 16, 1989, for inclusion in the proceedings.  Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to sign an ACM copyright release
form.  Proceedings will be published by ACM Press in association with
Addison-Wesley and will be distributed at the symposium.

Program Committee Chair       Program Committee

David MacQueen		      Doug DeGroot, Texas Instruments, USA
Attn: FPCA '89		      Paul Hudak, Yale University, USA
Room 2C-322		      John Hughes, Univeristy of Glasgow, GB
AT&T Bell Laboratories        Thomas Johnsson, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, S
600 Mountain Avenue	      Richard Kieburtz, Oregon Graduate Center, USA
Murray Hill, NJ  07974	      Gary Lindstrom, University of Utah, USA
U.S.A.			      John Mitchell, Stanford University, USA
                              Simon Peyton-Jones, University College London, GB
(201) 582-7691		      Ronan Sleep, University of East Anglia, GB
macqueen@research.att.com     Ascandar Suarez, DEC Paris Research, F

Local Arrangements Chair            Conference Chair

Chris L. Hankin			     Joseph Stoy
Dept. of Computer Science	     Programming Research Group
Imperial College		     Oxford University
Huxley Building, Queen's Gate	     8-11 Keble Road
London SW7 2BZ			     Oxford OX1 3DQ
clh@doc.ic.ac.uk		     stoy@prg.ox.ac.uk

*International Federation for Information Processing:
		Working Group 2.8 on Functional Programming.
*Association for Computing Machinery:
		Special Interest Group on Programming Languages,
		Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture.