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Re: in defense of C
In article <542@fsu.scri.fsu.edu> pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu (Eric Pepke) writes:
>In article <1942@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) writes:
>> You say this as if it were typical of better compilers on machines
>> other than SPARCs, such as, maybe, 68020s. Can they really have safe
>> CARs and CDRs, without loss of speed, on a 68020?
>I don't know about the internals of any LISP system other than the ones I
>have written. In the one I am now writing for the 680x0, one can have
>safe CARs and CDRs without loss of speed. One has to test to see if it is
>(1) a valid list, or (2) NIL, anyway. So, one just makes that a test for
>(1) a valid list, or (2) anything else. In my system, that's testing a
>single bit. In case 1, do the job. In case 2, return NIL.
That's the loss of speed that Jeff is talking about. If you assume
that the argument to CAR or CDR is a cons cell or NIL and you have a
low-tags type scheme, then those operations are 1 instruction long on
a 680x0 (or even less: a base-displacement addressing mode). The NIL
case can be handled with a bit of symbol table trickery. A "safe"
C{A,D}R that checks its argument is going to be slower.
>Eric Pepke INTERNET: pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu
>Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET: pepke@fsu
>Florida State University SPAN: scri::pepke
>Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052 BITNET: pepke@fsu
Tim Moore moore@cs.utah.edu {bellcore,hplabs}!utah-cs!moore
"Ah, youth. Ah, statute of limitations."
-John Waters
- References:
- Re: in defense of C
- From: "lawrence.g.mayka" <att!cbnewsc!lgm@bloom-beacon.mit.edu>
- Re: in defense of C
- From: Jeff Dalton <mcsun!ukc!edcastle!aiai!jeff@uunet.uu.net>
- Re: in defense of C
- From: Eric Pepke <zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!uflorida!mephisto!prism!fsu!gw.scri.fsu.edu!pepke@think.com>