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"unspecified" and SET!

The recent discussion of "unspecified" values reveals that Scheme is
not as syntactically uniform as it is claimed to be. Some Scheme
syntactic forms return meaningful values, others don't: the former are
"expressions" and the latter "commands". "Commands" are usually used
to represent side-effects, e.g., assignment in the form of set!.  In
an expression-oriented language, a "command" is awkwardly "expressed"
by an expression returning an arbitrary "unspecified" value.

Perhaps, SET! is not the ideal side-effecting construct for an
expression-oriented language. Felleisen and Friedman [1] propose a
side-effecting construct called a SIGMA-capability. This looks just
like a LAMBDA-expression, but whereas LAMBDA introduces new bound
variables, SIGMA modifies the binding of existing lexical variables.
In other words, on applying a SIGMA-capability to arguments, the
variables corresponding to the SIGMA-parameters are side-effected.

Problems about "unspecified" return values disappear. The application
of a SIGMA-capability side-effects the SIGMA-parameters and returns
the result of evaluating the SIGMA-body (the parallel being the
application of a LAMBDA-expression). In addition, SIGMA gives a very
natural method for parallel assignment, since the arguments to a
SIGMA-capability are all evaluated before the application performs the

We can retrieve the old SET! from SIGMA as follows:
	(set! x a) == ((sigma (x) <what-now>) a)
where <what-now> is the "unspecified" value of your choice. Thus,
there is no dependence on a system-chosen unspecified value.

Even better, we need not fall back on a command with its necessarily
arbitrary choice of unspecified return value. We can define a
_generalized_ SET! in terms of SIGMA that is more along the lines of
LET in terms of LAMBDA:
	(set! ([x a] ...) e ...) == ((sigma (x ...) e ...) a ...)

The upshot of all this is that while we have side-effects, we still
have a syntactically uniform language.


[1] Felleisen & Friedman, A calculus for assigments ..., POPL 1987,
314 - 325.

ps: In terms of SET!, SIGMA's effect is as follows:
	(sigma (x ...) e ...) == (lambda (x^ ...) (set! x x^) ... e ...)
where x^ ... are new variables, used only to show what's going on. A
native implementation of SIGMA is simply got by mimicking LAMBDA,
except for the following: where LAMBDA has extend-environment, SIGMA
has update-environment.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles.