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Nested errors

This bug gives small practical problems but it does not look nice.

Short version: cmucl coredumps when feed enough garbage. 

I discovered this by accidentally pasting a X cut buffer into the
wrong window. 

Lisp version
Starting rsh puma lisp -noinit ...
CMU Common Lisp 25-Sep-1991, running on puma
Hemlock 3.5 (25-Sep-1991), Python 1.0(25-Sep-1991),
target SPARCstation/Mach 0.\0

Send bug reports and questions to cmucl-bugs@cs.cmu.edu.

* w
Error in EVAL: the variable W is unbound.
  0: Return to Top-Level.
Debug  (type H for help)
0] w
Warning: This variable is undefined:
Error in EVAL: the variable W is unbound.

and so on until.

0]]]]]]]]]] w
Warning: This variable is undefined:
Help! 11 nested errors.* w
* w
* w
* w
* w
* w

and so un until.

* w
* wd
* wed
* wed
* wed
* w
* w
* wed wed
wd we
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

David Axmark
EMAIL:	davida@isil.detron.se or davida@emil.csd.uu.se
MAIL:	Detron HB, Petterslundsg 11 A, 753 28, UPPSALA, SWEDEN
PHONE:	+ (46) 18 - 11 07 80

(I can't spell in ANY language ...)