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A faster PCL for cmucl

> Cc: common-lisp@MCC.COM
> Subject: Re: [ark@research.att.com: ] 
> Date: Tue, 04 Feb 92 15:00:09 EST
> From: Scott_Fahlman@SEF-PMAX.SLISP.CS.CMU.EDU
> ...
> Unfortunately, CMU Common Lisp is fast for most things and supplies a
> fairly extensive development environment.  Our CLOS implementation is still
> rather slow, if that helps...
I have been working on a faster version of PCL.  It is slower at load time
than May Day PCL (especially for new metaclasses), and takes more space, 
but is much faster at run time.  It also has full support for structure classes.

I have tested it in cmucl, and I would be happy to ftp it to you.
(I don't have easy access to a machine that supports anonymous ftp,
but maybe you know of a writable directory for anonymous ftp at CMU,
or can suggest some other way.)

Here are the files involved.

-rw-r--r--  1 rharris   9354244 Mar 26 05:58 bin.tar.Z
  contains the lisp executable, and the file lisp.core;
  all the systems listed below are loaded.

-rw-r--r--  1 rharris    912530 Mar 26 05:51 src.tar.Z
  contains the source for March 92 PCL, 
  a slightly modified version of the X11R5 CLX,
  an inspector written using PCL and CLX,
  and a few other files that I used to make the lisp.core.

When you get the lisp executable, you can experiment with the
new PCL by starting lisp with the -edit option, getting a lisp
typescript with C-M-c, and then typing (inspect '*standard-output*).

  Richard Harris