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Lisp & Functional Programming Conference

       ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming

                      June 22-24, 1992
                       San Francisco

         Advance Program and Registration Information


A brochure describing the ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional
Programming (L&FP) has been sent to all members of ACM SIGPLAN.
The brochure also contains information on:

    ACM SIGPLAN '92 Conference on Programming Language Design
        and Impelementation
    Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program
    Workshop on ML and its applications
    Workshop on Continuations

If you would like a copy of this brochure, which contains the
official registration form for L&FP, please contact:

			Dick Waters
			MIT AI Lab
			545 Technology Square
			Cambridge MA 02139
			tel: 617-253-6037; 
			email: dick@ai.mit.edi

Or you may contact either of:

 General Chair:		Jon L White
			Lucid, Inc.
			707 Laurel Street
			Menlo Park CA 94025
			tel: 415-329-8400, x5514
			email: jonl@lucid.com

 Program Chair:		Will Clinger
			Computer Science Department
			University of Oregon
			Eugene OR 97403
			tel: 503-346-4411
			email: will@cs.uoregon.edu


     1992 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming
                        Advance Program

Session 1: 8:30--10:00, Monday, June 22
Improving Binding Times Without Explicit CPS-Conversion
  Anders Bondorf
Safe Fusion of Functional Expressions
  Wei-Ngan Chin
Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching
  Luc Maranget

Session 2: 10:30--12:00, Monday, June 22
Caching Considerations for Generational Garbage Collection
  Paul R. Wilson, Michael S. Lam, and Thomas G. Moher
Improving the Performance of SML Garbage Collection
    using Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management
  Eric Cooper, Scott Nettles, Indira Subramanian
Polymorphic Type Reconstruction for Garbage Collection
    without Tags
  Benjamin Goldberg and Michael Gloger

Session 3: 1:30--3:00, Monday, June 22
Projective ML
  Didier R\'emy
Parsers in ML
  Michel Mauny and Daniel de Rauglaudre
Interactive Modular Programming in Scheme
  Sho-Huan Simon Tung

Session 4: 3:30--5:30, Monday, June 22
Finiteness Conditions for Fixed Point Iteration
  Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson
A Syntactic Approach to Fixed Point Computation on Finite Domains
  Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Benjamin Goldberg
Abstract Interpretation in Weak Powerdomains
  Robert Muller and Yuli Zhou
A Precise Relationship Between the Deductive Power
    of Forward and Backward Strictness Analysis
  Marc Neuberger

Session 5: 8:30--10:00, Tuesday, June 23
Proving Memory Management Invariants for a Language
    Based on Linear Logic
  Jawahar Chirimar, Carl A. Gunter, and Jon G. Riecke
Proving the Correctness of Storage Representations
  Mitchell Wand and Dino P. Oliva
On Extending Computational Adequacy by Data Abstraction
  Val Breazu-Tannen and Ramesh Subrahmanyam

Session 6: 10:30--12:00, Tuesday, June 23
Parametric Type Classes
  Kung Chen, Paul Hudak, and Martin Odersky
A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping
  Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, and Giuseppe Longo
Type Inference in the Presence of Overloading, Subtyping,
    and Recursive Types
  Stefan Kaes

Session 7: 1:30--3:00, Tuesday, June 23
Global Tagging Optimization by Type Inference
  Fritz Henglein
Analysis of Recursive Types in Lisp-like Languages
  Edward Wang and Paul N. Hilfinger
Taming the Y Operator
  Guillermo Juan Rozas

Session 8: 3:30--5:30, Tuesday, June 23
The Python Compiler for CMU Common Lisp
  Robert A. MacLachlan
Integrating the Scheme and C Languages
  Hans Muller and John R. Rose
WCL: Delivering Efficient Common Lisp Applications Under Unix
  Wade Hennessey
Tachyon Common Lisp: An Efficient and Portable Implementation of CLtL2
  Atsushi Nagasaka, Yoshihiro Shintani, Tanji Ito, Hiroshi Gomi,
    and Junichi Takahashi

Session 9: 8:30--10:30, Wednesday, June 24
A Confluent Calculus of Macro Expansion and Evaluation
  Ana Bove and Laura Arbilla
Reasoning About Continuation-Passing Style Programs
  Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen
Back to Direct Style II: First-Class Continuations
  Olivier Danvy and Julia Lawall

Session 10: 11:00--12:30, Wednesday, June 24
Dynamic Program Parallelization
  Lorenz Huelsbergen and James R. Larus
Global Analysis for Partitioning Non-Strict Programs
    into Sequential Threads
  Kenneth R. Traub, David E. Culler, and Klaus E. Schauser
Fast Parallel Implementation of Lazy Languages - The EQUALS Experience
  Owen Kaser, Shaunak Pawagi, C. R. Ramakrishnan,
    I. V. Ramakrishnan, and R. C. Sekar
A Foundation for an Efficient Multi-Threaded Scheme System
  Suresh Jagannathan and Jim Philbin

Program committee:

    William Clinger, University of Oregon
    R. Kent Dybvig, Indiana University
    Thomas Johnsson, Chalmers Institute of Technology
    Richard B. Kieburtz, Oregon Graduate Institute
    Joachim Laubsch, HP
    David Moon, Apple Computer
    Rishiyur Nikhil, DEC
    Christian Queinnec, Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA-Rocquencourt
    Guy L. Steele Jr., Thinking Machines
    Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University
    William Wadge, University of Victoria


                      Hotel Accommodation

All conferences, workshops and tutorials will be held at the
Fairmont Hotel, in downtown San Francisco, CA.  The five-diamonds
rated Fairmont is one of the historic hotels located atop scenic
Nob Hill on California Street....

Room reservations at the Fairmont Hotel may be made by calling
toll-free, (800) 527-4727 or (415) 772-5000.  The fax number is
(415) 772-5086....The conference rates...are identified by the
group names ACM/SIGPLAN for PLDI'92 and ACM/L&FP for L&FP'92....

The conference rates (in US$) for the Fairmont Hotel are as follows
(Rooms differ mainly in the quality of the view):

    Room Type                   Single    Double
    Main Bldg. Interior           95        105
    Main Bldg. Exterior          110        125
    Tower with City view         150        165
    Tower with Bay view          170        185

....Reservations must be made 30 days prior to arrival to obtain
the group rate.  After the 30 day cut-off, reservations will be
confirmed on a space available basis, at the special conference


United Airlines is offering a 45% discount off applicable United
or United Express unrestricted coach fares...or 5% discount off
any United or United Express published fare....These fares are
available through United's Meeting Plus Desk (1-800-521-4041)...
This special offer is available only to attendees of the summer
SIGPLAN conferences and workshops and applies to travel on
domestic segments only....Refer to the account number 513UV when
you make reservation to take advantage of this offer.

Attendees outside the USA should contact Hoffman Travel to arrange
for discounted international fares on United Airlines, 1-212-688-4444.

The "Super Shuttle" service is the recommended way to get to the
Fairmont Hotel from the San Francisco airport....

Many public parking garages are located within the same block as
the hotels and in the surrounding blocks.  The hotels do not
provide free parking for guests.


     1992 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming
                   Registration Information

[If possible, please use the official registration form from the
ACM SIGPLAN brochure instead of the following subset of that form.]

Submit 1 form for each attendee.  Please circle fees you are paying.
Advanced registration must be received by May 20, 1992 to qualify for
the lower rate.

Registration Fee (in US$)                L&FP'92
                                    Advance    Late
ACM & SIGPLAN Member                  295       345 (?)
ACM Member only                       305       335
SIGPLAN Member only                   305       335
Industrial sponsor                    305       335
Non-member                            355       405
Full-time student                     150       200

L&FP conference registration includes copy of proceedings,
coffee breaks, continental breakfasts, Monday night reception,
and lunches on Monday and Tuesday.  The student fee does not
include lunches.

TOTAL amount enclosed: PLDI'92____________
                     + L&FP'92____________
                     + Tutorials__________
                     + Workshops__________
                     + Tutorial notes_____

Phone:_____________________  Fax:_______________________
ACM Membership Number:__________________
Special meal requirements:    Kosher    Vegetarian
Special Needs or Accomodations (please specify below if any):