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>From olaf Tue Feb 18 08:47 CST 1986
To: ihnp4!r20.utexas.edu!slug-request olaf
Subject: Duplicate Mail Problem
Status: RO

For several weeks now, I've been getting duplicate messages coming through
different paths, duplicate SLUG mail messages, to be precise.

I don't quite understand why it's happening, but for your information
I originally received this newsgroup at SU-SUSHI.ARPA under the
login name HENJUM.  It's possible that your mailing list alias is
sending both to my old address and my new one (ihnp4!ihesa!olaf),
and my new address now forwards all mail to a different mail drop

so anything is possible here.

I am sending a pair of duplicate messages with this one for your
edification and amusement.  Please let me know that you've received
this message, whether or not you have an answer for me.

   -- Olaf Henjum (ihnp4!ihesa!olaf OR ihnp4!ihwpt!olaf)


>From uucp Tue Feb 18 00:34 EST 1986
>From uucp Mon Feb 17 23:32:46 1986 remote from ihesa
>From packard!cbosgd!seismo!SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA!RWK  Mon Feb 17 23:32:44 1986 remote from ihesa
Received: by ihesa.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
	id AA25889; Mon, 17 Feb 86 23:32:44 cst
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 86 21:25 EST
From: Robert W. Kerns <ihesa!packard!seismo!SCRC-YUKON.ARPA!RWK>
Subject: Wish list
Message-Id: <860214212525.2.RWK@CROW.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
Received: by seismo.CSS.GOV; Mon, 17 Feb 86 23:40:12 EST
Received: from SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA by R20.UTEXAS.EDU with TCP; Mon 17 Feb 86 22:17:12-CST
Received: from CROW.SCRC.Symbolics.COM by SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA via CHAOS with CHAOS-MAIL id 418007; Fri 14-Feb-86 21:28:36-EST
Received: from cbosgd.UUCP by lc/garage/packard.DK; 8602180532
In-Reply-To: The message of 14 Feb 86 12:09-EST from Bil Lewis <BIL@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Status: R

    Date: Fri 14 Feb 86 09:09:55-PST
    From: Bil Lewis <BIL@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
    Wish #2: A screen oriented d}iebugger which did not show all of the system
	     calls that exist in between (or instead of) the function calls
	     I make.
What's a system call?  I really don't understand what you're
getting at here.

    Wish #3: A series of functions in ZMACS that would allow me to obtain
	     the correct environments when evaluating portions of code. To
	     clarify, consider a typical file, such as below:

I've wanted this, without knowing just what I wanted.

    Wish #4: From the commented function call above, it is probably obvious
	     what my source files look like.  No matter where you look, there'll
	     be comments that can be evaluated to illustrate what any given
	     function does.
	     When the function calls extend beyond one line (as above), it can
	     be a pain to chop out the ";;"s so that I can evaluate them.  I'd
	     love to have a "Mouse Mark Thing" (mouse middle) that would mark
	     down across ";;"s and an "evaluate region" that would do the same.

This is what the #|| ... ||# type of comment is for.

>From uucp Tue Feb 18 08:48 EST 1986
>From uucp Tue Feb 18 07:43:12 1986 remote from ihesa
>From ihnp4!seismo!@R20.UTEXAS.EDU:RWK@SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA  Tue Feb 18 07:43:10 1986 remote from ihesa
Received: by ihesa.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
	id AA28249; Tue, 18 Feb 86 07:43:10 cst
Received: by ihnp4.ATT.COM id AA00754; 18 Feb 86 00:10:05 CST (Tue)
Received: by seismo.CSS.GOV; Mon, 17 Feb 86 23:30:01 EST
Received: from R20.UTEXAS.EDU by SU-SUSHI.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Feb 86 20:23:54-PST
Received: from SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA by R20.UTEXAS.EDU with TCP; Mon 17 Feb 86 22:17:12-CST
Received: from CROW.SCRC.Symbolics.COM by SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA via CHAOS with CHAOS-MAIL id 418007; Fri 14-Feb-86 21:28:36-EST
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 86 21:25 EST
From: Robert W. Kerns <ihesa!ihnp4!seismo!SCRC-YUKON.ARPA!RWK>
Subject: Wish list
In-Reply-To: The message of 14 Feb 86 12:09-EST from Bil Lewis <BIL@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Message-Id: <860214212525.2.RWK@CROW.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
Status: R

    Date: Fri 14 Feb 86 09:09:55-PST
    From: Bil Lewis <BIL@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
    Wish #2: A screen oriented d}iebugger which did not show all of the system
	     calls that exist in between (or instead of) the function calls
	     I make.
What's a system call?  I really don't understand what you're
getting at here.

    Wish #3: A series of functions in ZMACS that would allow me to obtain
	     the correct environments when evaluating portions of code. To
	     clarify, consider a typical file, such as below:

I've wanted this, without knowing just what I wanted.

    Wish #4: From the commented function call above, it is probably obvious
	     what my source files look like.  No matter where you look, there'll
	     be comments that can be evaluated to illustrate what any given
	     function does.
	     When the function calls extend beyond one line (as above), it can
	     be a pain to chop out the ";;"s so that I can evaluate them.  I'd
	     love to have a "Mouse Mark Thing" (mouse middle) that would mark
	     down across ";;"s and an "evaluate region" that would do the same.

This is what the #|| ... ||# type of comment is for.