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here's a hack for you
- To: slug%r20.utexas.edu@CSNET-RELAY
- Subject: here's a hack for you
- From: Steve Strassmann <STRAZ%media-lab.arpa@CSNET-RELAY>
- Date: Tue, 2 Sep 86 11:21 EDT
- Resent-date: Fri 5 Sep 86 12:04:28-CDT
- Resent-from: <CMP.SLUG%r20.utexas.edu@CSNET-RELAY>
- Resent-message-id: <12236544131.35.CMP.SLUG@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
- Resent-to: SLUG:;
-------------------- cut here --------------------------
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Base: 10.; Package: (HACKS) -*-
; Nuclear meltdown
; Written while waiting for some Chinese take-out dinner
; on March 23, 1986, when the US started a war with Libya.
; by Steve Strassmann, MIT Media Lab
; Inspired by a similar hack on the Apple Macintosh, and by Our President.
; Permission is granted for redistribution as long as this header is retained
; in its entirety.
; Send fan mail to straz@media-lab.mit.edu.
; To use this file:
; Call (HACKS:MELT) or do Hyper-M in the editor.
(defconst tv:black (tv:make-sheet-bit-array tv:initial-lisp-listener 32 1 :initial-value 1)
"An array of 1's which can be BITBLTed to the main screen. This beats DRAW-RECTANGLE.")
; Resources let you re-use old arrays instead of consing up new ones.
(defresource patch (window width height)
:constructor (tv:make-sheet-bit-array window width height)
:matcher (and window
( (array-dimension-n 1 object) width)
( (array-dimension-n 2 object) height)))
; Install hack in useful places
; Install on (HACKS:DEMO)
(defdemo "Nuclear Meltdown" "What happens when you drain the freon out of a Cray" (melt))
; Install on Hyper-M in the editor. Numeric argument speeds the meltdown.
; Hyper-super-M melts the wholine.
; Hyper-refresh cleans up the mess.
(defun zwei:com-melt ()
"Gee, Steve, your screen is getting all melty!"
(melt zwei:*numeric-arg*))
(defun zwei:com-melt-wholine ()
"Why neglect the wholine?"
(melt zwei:*numeric-arg* tv:who-line-screen))
(defun zwei:com-refresh-sheet ()
"Cleans down to the last pixel for a bright, no-wax shine."
(send tv:main-screen :refresh)
(send tv:who-line-screen :refresh)
(zwei:set-comtab zwei:*standard-comtab*
'(#\h-M zwei:com-melt)) ; hyper-M
(zwei:set-comtab zwei:*standard-comtab*
'(#\s-h-M zwei:com-melt-wholine)) ; super-hyper-M
(zwei:set-comtab zwei:*standard-comtab*
'(#\h-refresh zwei:com-refresh-sheet)) ; hyper-refresh
(defun melt (&optional (speed 1) (window tv:main-screen))
"What happens when you drain the freon out of a Cray"
(loop with array = (send (send window :screen) :screen-array)
for left = (pick-column array)
for bottom = (pick-bottom left array)
for drop = (pick-drop left bottom speed array)
for width = (pick-width left bottom drop array)
for ok? = (and (plusp bottom) (plusp drop))
for top = (and ok? (random bottom))
for height = (and ok? (- bottom top))
if ok?
do (using-resource (patch patch window width (send window :height))
(bitblt tv:alu-seta width height array left top patch 0 0) ; Copy melt portion of screen to patch
(bitblt tv:alu-seta width height patch 0 0 array left (+ drop top)) ; Copy from patch to new location
(bitblt tv:alu-andca width drop tv:black 0 0 array left top) ; Fill gap with whitespace
;; Smear fills gap with black if line above dropped region is black
(when (plusp top) ; Don't smear if top=0
(loop for x from left
repeat width
for smear-top = (plusp (aref array x (1- top)))
for smear-bottom = (and smear-top (plusp (aref patch x 0)))
for smear-length = (cond ((and smear-top (= drop 1)) 1)
(smear-bottom drop)
(smear-top drop)
(t nil))
do (when smear-length
(bitblt tv:alu-seta 1 smear-length tv:black 0 0 array x top)))))))
(defun pick-column (array)
"Pick a likely left edge to melt"
(random (array-dimension-n 1 array)))
(defun pick-bottom (column array)
"Pick a white pixel in column to get melted"
(loop for try from 0
for y = (1+ (random (1- (array-dimension-n 2 array))))
for pixel = (aref array column y)
until (zerop pixel)
if (= try 5) return 0 ; Don't waste your time on this column
finally (return y))) ; Found a good bottom
(defun pick-drop (column bottom speed array)
"Pick how far to drop melted column"
(if (< bottom 2) 1
(loop for drop from 0 below (min speed (- (array-dimension-n 2 array) 1 bottom)) ; Not too far down
for pixel = (aref array column (+ bottom drop))
until (plusp pixel)
finally (return drop))))
(defun pick-width (left bottom drop array)
"Move rightwards until you hit a black pixel"
(loop for x from left to (random (- (array-dimension-n 1 array) left))
for black-pixel? = (loop for y from bottom to (+ bottom drop)
for pixel = (aref array x y)
if (plusp pixel)
do (setq x (1- x))
(return t))
until black-pixel?
finally (return (- x left))))