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FEP Command Summary


I've just extracted a summary of FEP commands from the 7.0
flod files (by program), because I can't dribble the 
Show Command Modules output from the FEP.

Maybe it's of value to some of you.

-*- Mode: Text; Fonts: CPTFONT,CPTFONTB,CPTFONTI; Hardcopy-Fonts: FIX10,FIX10B,FIX10I -*-

 From Release 7.0 flod files 
(duplicate entries are really inside the flod files)

0Debug				Enter the Fep debugger

0Add Disk Type			Add a disk to the disk type table
Clear Disk Types		Clear the disk type table
Disk Format			Format a disk
Disk Restore			Restore a disk from cartridge tape
Set Disk Type			Set the disk type for a disk
Show Disk Types			Display the disk type table

0Initialize Hardware Tables	Initialize the tables of hardware parameters
Show Command Modules		Show the command tree from the modules' viewpoint
Show Command Tree		Show the tree of commands
Show Configuration		Show the machine's hardware configuration
Show Ethernet-address		Show the Ethernet address
Fsm Disk Pages			Show the current disk pages in use
Fsm Processes			Show the current processes
Fsm Free Storage		Show current free blocks
Fsm Free Count			Count free blocks and bytes
Fsm All Memory			Show all memory block

0Initialize Hardware Tables	Initialize the tables of hardware parameters
Set Display-string		Set the NanoFep's display string
Set Lisp Release		Set the Lisp Release version intended
Set Chaos-address		Set the chaos address
Set Ethernet-address		Set the Ethernet address
Set LMFS FSPT Unit		Sets the file system partition table disk unit
Show LMFS FSPT Unit		Show the file system partition table disk unit
Enable Trap Handling		Enable trap handling in case it got turned off.
Attach Graphics Tablet		Attach a graphics tablet to a serial line
Detach Graphics Tablet		Detaches the graphics tablet
Continue			Continue running the machine after a halt
Reset Most			Reset the 3600, lbus, sequencer, and disks
Start				Start the machine
Show Serial			Show status of a serial unit
Show Status			Show the status of the machine and its register

0Load Sync-program		Load a sync program from a file
Load Color-sync-program		Load a color sync program from disk
Initialize Hardware Tables	Initialize the tables of hardware parameters
Set Default-disk-unit		Sets the default disk unit
Compute Microcode Default	Computes the microcode default from the hardware configuration
Clear Machine			Clear the contents of many memories
Load Microcode			Load a microcode file
Load World			Load a world into 3600 memory
Load Complete-world		Load all of a world into 3600 memory
Set Wired Addresses		Set new values for %WIRED-VIRTUAL-ADDRESS-HIGH
Declare Paging-files		Declare a set of paging files to be used for subsequent
				world loads
Declare More Paging-files	Declare an additional set of paging files
Clear Paging-files		Declare an empty paging area
Add Paging-file			Add a file for swap space
Show Paging-files		Show all the paging files
Enable IDS			Enable Incremental Disk Save for the world just loaded
Disable IDS			Disable Incremental Disk Save for the world just loaded
Find IDS Files			Scan for Incremental Disk Save files
Show IDS Files			Show the currently known candidates for Incremental Disk Save
Add IDS File			Add a file to the Incremental Disk Save cache
Clear IDS Files			Clear all candidates for Incremental Disk Save
Enable Load-to-Paging Migration		Enable the migration of unmodified pages
					from the world to the paging file
Disable Load-to-Paging Migration	Disable the migration of unmodified pages
					from the world to the paging file

0Set Network-Address		Set the general network address

0Test Main-memory		Test main memory
Test Simple Main-memory		Test main memory simply (and quickly)
Test A-memory			Test A-mem
Test Location			Test a single location in a memory
Test Disks			Test disks
Test All			Test everything

... and have a happy new year.