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Submission for slug-info

Path: potomac!daemon
From: daemon@potomac
Newsgroups: slug-info
Subject: Submission for slug-info
Message-ID: <146@potomac.dc.ads.com>
Date: 20 Jan 87 23:23:13 GMT
Sender: daemon@potomac.dc.ads.com
Lines: 21

Path: potomac!daemon
From: grover@ads.ARPA (Mark Grover)
Newsgroups: slug-info
Subject: re: SMTP between Sun and Symbolics
Message-ID: <137@potomac.dc.ads.com>
Date: 20 Jan 87 19:52:16 GMT
Sender: daemon@potomac.dc.ads.com
Lines: 7

We have the same environment and have the identical problem.  This seems to
happen in both Release 6.1 and 7.0.  We would appreciate a patch if someone
has it. We can give more detail over the phone (703) 243-1611 if necessary.
We do not have the mailer sources on either machine. MDG