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Symbolics LISP Users Meeting
Symbolics LISP Users Group Meeting
July 6-10, 1987
The Third Annual Symbolics LISP Users Group Meeting will be held in
Seattle, Washington at the University of Washington from July 6-10,
1987. This is the week before the AAAI Conference, so participants can
coordinate their travel plans if they plan to attend that conference.
Inexpensive accommodations on the university campus are available and
can be reserved on the registration form that is being mailed out.
The first two days of the Meeting will be devoted to full-day and
half-day tutorials. Below is a list of tutorial topics:
Tutorial instructor
AI Program Design (Monday -- F) Elaine Rich
Overview of Site Administration (Monday -- F) Symbolics Ed. Services
Color Graphics I (Mon. - a.m.) Dave Dyer
Color Graphics II (Mon. - p.m.) Dave Dyer
Color Graphics III (Mon. - p.m.) Symbolics Graphics
Introduction to ART (Tuesday -- F) Inference Corporation
Building Knowl. Sys. Interfaces (Tues. - a.m.) IntelliCorp
Programming Productivity I (Tues. - a.m.) Symbolics Ed. Services
Programming Productivity II (Tues. - p.m.) Symbolics Ed. Services
Elaine Rich, from MCC, is author of the textbook, "Artificial
Intelligence". Dave Dyer is the principle software developer of
Symbolics color graphics system software. The tutorials taught by
Inference and IntelliCorp will feature their expert system development
tools, ART, and KEE, respectively.
The remaining three days of the Meeting will feature presentations by
users and members of the Symbolics technical staff. Planned topics
* New Product Announcements
* Networking
* Expert System Tools and Environments
* The SLUG software library
* The Common Lisp standard and proposed extensions to it
* "Programming Pearls" on the Lisp Machine
* Software Engineering Methodology in Genera 7
Registration for the conference is $90. Each full-day tutorial is $90,
and each half-day tutorial is $45. Registration forms are being mailed
out concurrent with this announcement. Requests for additional forms
and questions concerning the conference and tutorials should be directed
Martin Purvis
SLUG-87 Chairman
Computer Science Department
2.124 Tayor Hall
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712 USA
(512) 471-9555
Questions concerning registration and housing should be directed to:
Conference Management/SLUG
University of Washing, GH-25
Seattle, Washington 98195 USA
(206) 543-2300