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ZMAIL Reply to MMAILR failures
The ZMAIL manual, in the section entitled "Zmail Reply Command", documents the
following feature:
Replying to a COMSAT or XMAILR (mail server) message retries
the failed message, rather than replying to anything. If the
problem is a nonexistent address at another host, you are
prompted to supply a corrected address.
COMSAT is the MIT ITS mail server. XMAILR is an old Tops-20 mail server.
Tops-20 sites that use the MMAILR mailer may want to install this patch
to teach ZMAIL about an additional format of mail rejection:
========================= cut here =========================
;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:ZWEI; Base:8 -*-
;;; Patch for ZMAIL (written under Genera 7.1)
;;; Bob Kanefsky, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, Kanef@SPAR-20.ARPA
;;;Make it try the function below, as well as the ones for COMSAT, XMAILR, etc.
(cl:pushnew 'zwei:mmailr-rejection-p zwei:*failed-mail-predicates* :localize t)
(defun mmailr-rejection-p (msg &aux start-bp end-bp failed-msg-start-bp failed-recipients)
(when (and (let ((from (car (msg-get msg ':from))))
(equal (get (locf from) ':name) "Mailer"))
(setq failed-msg-start-bp (search (setq start-bp (msg-start-bp msg))
nil nil nil (setq end-bp (msg-end-bp msg)))))
(barf-on-errors (parse-error)
(do ((line (line-next (bp-line (or (search start-bp "Message failed for the following:" nil nil nil end-bp)
(return-from mmailr-rejection-p 'nil))))
(line-next line))
(end-line (bp-line failed-msg-start-bp))
((eq line end-line))
(when (string-search "@" line)
(setq idx (string-search ": " line))
(when idx (setq failed-recipients (append failed-recipients (parse-addresses line 0 idx)))))))
(values t failed-msg-start-bp end-bp failed-recipients)))
========================= cut here =========================
By the way, two corrections to the above documentation:
1. UNIX failure messages are also apparently recognized -- the
kind that say "----- Transcript of session follows -----".
2. I don't think it ever prompts you for corrected addresses.
It just generates a "To" line with the bad ones, and positions
the cursor there so you can edit them.