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Re: VT100 Emulator

    Date: Tue, 11 Aug 87 11:39:56 EDT
    From: royt@pravda.gatech.edu (Roy M Turner)

    Peter, Symbolics, SLUG:

    My apologies; the file "telnet.lisp" has been removed from gatech.edu.

    I received the file some time back following a request for a terminal 
    emulator; I am a fault for not checking the header and realizing that it 
    wasn't public domain.  I assumed it was, and told Mark that he could make 
    it available via anon. FTP.  Once again, my apologies.

    Since the code is Symbolics' property, they would probably be the appropriate
    source for it; perhaps they can submit it to the SLUG library, if anyone is 
    still interested in it.

Symbolics can't submit the changed file.  We did not write the changes
and now that its not on the net we don't even have access to it.  Here
is a copy of the Slug Library Submission proceedures in case any of you
did not get hard copy of it.


     In order to submit software to the SLUG Library, the contributor
will need to follow the steps outlined below.  These steps are necessary
to allow SLUG to be legally able to distribute the software, and for the
software to be useful to the SLUG Library members.

	1) The software should be fully developed and thoroughly debugged.  Try to
	avoid site-de pendencies wherever possible.  Avoid using the USER
	package; it may be best to put th e software in its own package.  Except
	for single file submissions, a system definiti on (i.e., DEFSYSTEM)
	should be supplied.  The submission may include source and/or bi nary
	files, data files, system declarations, test cases, usage examples, and
	document ation.

       2) Prepare an overview and documentation of the software.  The overview
	should be a file included with the software.  It should include the

	       a) A short description (abstract) of the software.  One short sentence
		is sufficie nt for small submissions, a short paragraph for more complex
		submissions such as a complete tool.

               b) An explanation of why the software was written (i.e. the problem it 
                solves and its side effects).

               c) How the software works in enough detail for the average user to understand.

               d) All the high level commands provided by the software.  This includes
                a discussion of all the arguments to each command both required and

               e)  How to install and invoke the program.

               f)  How to run any examples supplied, and what the results of running 
                 the examples mean.

               g) Description of the environment for which the software
		 was developed.  Identify any required hardware and software 
		 configurations for running the software.  (E.g., Identify Symbolics
		 system release, other software packages required, etc.)  Also include
		 warnings if there are environments to be avoided.

	3) Fill out the SLUG Library Submission Agreement.  A completed, signed
	agreement is req uired before any submissions can be made available
	through the library.  Basically, t his form grants to SLUG the right to
	distribute the software to its members and to al low them to use the
	code as they would code distributed by Symbolics.  If the submiss ion
	contains any Symbolics proprietary code, the submittor will need to have
	Symbolic s consent before it can be submitted to SLUG.

		a) The licensor will be the individual or organization that has the right
		 to licen se the code as provided in paragraph 1 of the submission form.
		 The first set of bl anks at the top of the page should be filled in with
		 the licensor's name and addres s.

                b) The boxes in paragraph 4 must be checked to indicate if any code
		 submitted cont ains portions of Symbolics, Inc. software or

		c) The submittor should prepare an Attachment A which
		 identifies the software.  Th e attachment should include: 

			a) identification of the files included in the submission (e.g., file
			 names, c reation dates, and sizes).  If the software is submitted on
			 tape, a directory l isting of the tape will suffice.

                        b)  the overview/abstract of the submission.

		d) An authorized representative of the licesor (the submitting
		 organization) shoul d sign and date the form.  This should be someone
		 who has the authority to grant th e license described in the agreement.

     4)  If the submission does contain Symbolics code, the following steps should be taken:

		a) The submittor should prepare an Attachment B which describes what
		 Symbolics sof tware or documentation that is included in the code to be
		 submitted.  The submittor should indicate which of the submitted files
		 contain such code, and what Symbolics source code files were involved.

		b) Any submitted file that contains portions of Symbolics code or
		 documentation sh ould include at its beginning a statement that portions
		 of the following code are c overed by the copyright of Symbolics, Inc.
		 and a copy of Symbolics' copyright notic e (appearing at the top of the
		 file from which the code was drawn).  The particular files from which
		 the code was drawn (including version number) should be included.

		c) Prepare a printed version of the submission.  Submit this and the
		 Library Submi ssion Agreement (with overview, etc) to Symbolics at the
		 following address:

                                     Brad Goldstein
                                     SYMBOLICS, Inc.
                                     Eleven Cambridge Center
                                     Cambridge, MA 02142
                                     Business Phone:  (617) 621-7500
                                     Arpa:  Goldstein@RIVERSIDE.SCRC.Symbolics.COM

		d) After review by Symbolics, these submissions will be returned to the
		 submittor , informing him whether or not Symbolics consents to the
		 submission of the softwar e to SLUG library.  Responses will be made by
		 Symbolics to requests for review in time to be added to the next update
		 of the SLUG library.  Responses will be made b y Symbolics to requests
		 for review in time to be added to the next update of the S LUG library
		 tape, as scheduling permits.

		e) If permission is granted, proceed to Step 5.  If permission is
		 denied, modify your submission to eliminate Symbolics objections, and
		 repeat the appropriate step s.

	5) Submit your signed Library Submission Agreement form, the overview
	 and documentation, and your code to the SLUG Librarian.  The current
	 SLUG Librarian's address is:

                                     Mac Michaels (Wilson M. Michaels)
                                     Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
                                     Street Address:
                                       3500 West Balcones Center Drive
                                       Austin, TX 78759
                                     Mailing Address:
                                       P.O. Box 200195
                                       Austin, TX 78720
                                     Business Phone:  (512) 338-3509
                                     Home Phone:  (512) 258-0234
                                     Arpa:  MAC@MCC.COM

	The code, overview, and documentation should normally be sumitted on a
	cartridge tape .  Distribution tape format is preferred, although carry
	tape format is accepted.  Wi th prior permission of the librarian (and
	after receipt of the submission agreement), electronic mail of short
	submissions may be used, rather than cartridge tape.  All s ubmissions
	become the property of SLUG and none will be returned.  SLUG will keep
	the materials submitted should it be necessary to authenticate the
	library submission.

	6) If the submission is accepted into the SLUG library, it will be
	 distributed on the next new library tape made.  SLUG library tapes are
	 created in batches, so there will typically be a delay between the
	 receipt of a submission and its inclusion on library tapes sent out.