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mailer question

We are connecting Symbolics and MicroVAX II (Ultrix) with IP-TCP.
When someone sends a mail from Symbolics with SMTP, 
the header part of the mail is as follows:

> From @lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet:Matsukawa@lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet Fri Aug 21 22:38:29 1987
> Received: from lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet (ku-grade.ARPA) by nagao4.kuee.kyoto-u.junet (4.12/6.3Junet-BETA)
> 	id AA02608; Fri, 21 Aug 87 22:36:48+0900
> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 87 22:36 JST
> From: Tomoyoshi Matsukawa <Matsukawa@lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet>
> Subject: PACKAGE
> To: lm@nagao4.kuee.kyoto-u.junet
> Message-Id: <870821223658.1.MATSUKAWA@lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet>
> Status: RO

My question is in the line:
> Received: from lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet (ku-grade.ARPA) by nagao4.kuee...

We are not connected to ARPA-net, but to 'junet.'
However, Symbolics or MicroVAX II put
in its network address part.
(This Symbolics's host name is 'ku-grade' and its internet address is set
to 'lm1.kuee.kyoto-u.junet.')

Do you know which machine writes this and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,
