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Mapping over Zmail to/from headers

    Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 12:05 EDT
    From: Jeffrey Mark Siskind <Qobi@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU>

    I have a question which perhaps someone can offer a simple
    answer to.  I would like to make a list of all email address
    with whom I have communicated.  Accordingly I would like
    to map over my babyl file and produce a list of all
    net addresses appearing in either "from" or "to" fields
    appearing in the header.  Does anyone know of functions
    in zwei that would make this task (of parsing babyl files
    and headers) easier?

	(send zwei:*sequence* :map-over-msgs #'function-that-takes-a-message-as-an-argument-and-does-interesting-things-to-it)

will map over the current sequence.  (This must be called within the
context of Zmail.

	(getf (zwei:msg-status zwei:*msg*) :from)

will get the from field for the current message.  Obviously, this can
use the argument to the function passed to1 :map-over-messages0 rather
than1 *msg*0 as well.