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A suggestion about working sets
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 87 07:13 EST
From: Jeffrey Mark Siskind <Qobi@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU>
While this is true, it is possible to make
one assumption which is usually a good approximation
of reality: Processes usually do not share data so
an object belongs to the process that created it,
at least for the purpose of determining the total
storage in use by a process.
There are *many*, *many* ways that this is assumption
is false.
Things which use data shared between processes.
1read0 (symbols, pathnames)
Waving the mouse around.
Type definitions.
Flavors (the flavor structures, not the instances).
The generic filesystem.
The scheduler.
Thus tagging objects
with the process of their creator would allow two
tallys to be kept per process, one: the total
ammount of virtual memory in use by that process and,
two: the total ammount of real memory in use by that
process. Actually, these tallys would have to be
updated both by storage allocation, GC, and paging.
Use 1make-area0. Realize that a single process doesn't
sit there doing just one thing all the time. One minute
it may be running the compiler, another, it may be using
your favorite AI system, and another, it may be handling
mouse sensitivity. Each activity involes a *different*
working-set. Areas allow you to keep these distinct,
so when you start working on a new phase, you can get
more related objects loaded at a time. In other words,
areas are *better* than a separate section of memory
for each process.
The tallys would allow two additional types of firewalling
that most conventional systems *DO* provide which
the Symbolics *DOES NOT* (despite the claims about greater
firewalling provided by the 3600 architecture).
First, it would allow me to set a limit on the amount
of virtual storage that a process can use.
You can set a limit on the size of an area.
A process
that exceeds this would signal an error (perhaps with
a proceed option to increase that limit and continue)
rather than allowing a run-away process to trash my
machine with all of its valuable state in other
processes. (It takes me over two hours to reboot my
machine these days and load all of my environment.)
Use incremental disk save.
Second, it would allow me to set working set guidlines
for the pager and scheduler to increase performance of
interactive tasks while still allowing background
tasks to run.
This is about the only thing in this entire message that
I can see that we don't already provide. It might be
valuable to be able to tell the pager that pages in
certain areas are to be swapped out more slowly, because
the currently-interactive process uses them heavily.
Often, I run many tasks at once, such
as reading my Babyl file in Zmail (my Babyl file
is over 4 megabytes long and takes an hour to read),
Use KBIN files. It will cut your working-set for Zmail
dramatically, and it loads much much faster. (It saves
about 50% slower, but you're not as often waiting for it
to save, and this is less than the time you save by not
having to reparse).
running LaTeX in one Lisp Listener, running some
Lisp program in another, and trying to edit a file
in Zmacs. Although the preemptive schedular can (and
presumably does)
Yes, it does.
give a higher priority to the
interactive task of editing, the thrashing caused by
other proceeses paging and reducing the working set
of the editor causes the editor to be painfully
slow. If the working set of the higher priority tasks
is made larger than lower priority ones, then they
can page all they want, at a lower priority, without
causing poor paging performance for my interactive
Now I know that the overhead of storing a pointer to
the creating procees in each object would be large.
But if we make another assumption that there are
usually at most 15 (or 31) processes ever started
in a lisp world from boot to reboot then only 4 or 5
bits of tag need to be added to each object (or word).
On my machine at the moment there are 34 processes.
(I cannot recall when I last saw as few as 15; it may
be before Symbolics was started). I looked at one server
over lunch hour (i.e. off peak, but not light load) that
had 80 processes. Another had 78. You're talking 6 or
7 or 8 bits. I.e. each process not much better than
a PDP-10.
Offhand, I would guess you've been using the VAX, where
they allocate entire bits like this. It's a very inefficient
way to use your address space, and unnecessary. Lisp implementations
have been using better techniques for dividing up memory
since BIBOP Maclisp, which as I recall was done about 12
years ago. Use areas.
When that runs out the remaining code can be used as
an overflow code indicating that the storage ower is
anonymous. This method would require hardware not
available in the 36xx architecture,
Why? It sounds like you think memory allocation or paging
are done in hardware or something. They aren't.
but perhaps
something like the area mechanism can be adapted
to automatically have each process cons in a different
area. I don't know if the I-machine architecture
has the capability to support the ideas discussed
here but perhaps the next machine (the J-machine?)
Hint: The 3600 was known internally as the "L-machine".