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Speaking of Syntax

    Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 07:03:43 PST
    From: David Kriegman <kriegs@coyote.stanford.edu>

    Speaking of defining syntaxes, I've defined some syntaxes such as
    has been mentioned, and I'd like the editor to be "smart" about the
    syntax when it formats the s-expression.  The default s-expression 
    puts in too many spaces.  My syntax looks something like this: [...]

If you are defining a macro you can define the indentation for
zwei using declare as in the examples below.

;;; 1Example 1:
0(defmacro 2def-animal 0(name &body attributes)
  (declare (zwei:indentation 1 1))
  `(def-animal ',name ',attributes))

(def-animal BABOON
  :species monkey
  :weight (0 100)
  :color brown)

;;; 1Example 2:
0(defmacro 2def-animal 0(name &body attributes)
  (declare (zwei:indentation 1 3 3 2))
  `(def-animal ',name ',attributes))

(def-animal BABOON
    :species monkey
   :weight (0 100)
   :color brown)

You can also use the function ZWEI:DEFINDENTATION to define special indentations.

(def-animals 2(baboon chimp)
0	     :species money
	     :weight (0 100))

(zwei:defindentation (def-animals 1 1))

(def-animals 2(baboon chimp)
0  :species money
  :weight (0 100))

I define several indentations that over ride some of the defaults.
They are listed below:

(zwei:defindentation 3(defvar 0 7 1 4 2 1)0)	; 4For the documentation string
0(zwei:defindentation 3(defconstant 0 12 1 4 2 1)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(defparameter 0 13 1 4 2 1)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(defflavor 0 10 1 5 3 1)0)	; 4For flavor definitions
3(0zwei:defindentation (3:default-init-plist 0 3)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(make-instance 1 5)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(tv:make-window 1 4)0)	; 4Misc.
0(zwei:defindentation 3(0define-presentation-to-command-translator3 0 10 1 5 3 1)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(:layout 0 8)0)		; 4Constraint frames
0(zwei:defindentation 3(:sizes 0 7)0)
(zwei:defindentation 3(login-forms 0 3)0)		; 4Login forms in lispm-init files
0(zwei:defindentation (if 3 0))			; 4Make multiple else clauses look funny.
0(zwei:defindentation 3(0define-presentation-to-command-translator3 0 10 1 5 3 10))

  -- David D. Loeffler