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Speaking of Syntax

    Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 07:03:43 PST
    From: David Kriegman <kriegs@coyote.stanford.edu>

    Speaking of defining syntaxes, I've defined some syntaxes such as
    has been mentioned, and I'd like the editor to be "smart" about the
    syntax when it formats the s-expression.  The default s-expression 
    puts in too many spaces.  My syntax looks something like this:

    (def-animal BABOON
       :species monkey
       :weight (0 100)
       :color brown)

    You get the picture.  def-animal, followed by an atom followed by 
    a list of keywords.  I'd like zmacs to format it as above but it
    formats it like this:

    (def-animal BABOON
      :species monkey
      :weight (0 100)
      :color brown)

It does what you want when I try it.

(defmacro def-animal (animal-name &body properties)
  `(defprop ,animal-name ,(copy-list properties) animal-properties))

(def-animal BABOON
  :species monkey
  :weight (0 100)
  :color brown)

If you make the mistake of using &REST instead of &BODY you get

(def-animal BABOON
	    :species monkey
	    :weight (0 100)
	    :color brown)

I don't know how you managed to get the indentation you got.
