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Inherited directory properties [was: version numbers]

    Date: Wed, 2 Dec 87 22:06 EST
    From: A. Peter Blicher  <BLICHER@IBM.COM>

    On a related irritation, I would like to have a default default
    generation retention count settable for directories (if it exists, I
    haven't figured out how to set it, so maybe someone can tell me).  I.e.
    near as I can tell, the current behavior is that if I create a new
    directory, the default generation retention count for its daughters is
    set to nil, which means infinity, regardless of the value of the parent
    of the new directory.  I would prefer if the parent had another
    property, the default default gen. ret. count, which would specify what
    the default gen. ret. count should be for its subdirectories.  This
    would be inherited.  It would probably be ok to just make the
    default gen ret count inherited to newly created directories.

This should do the trick.  It has to be loaded on the file-server, not on the
client.									--Kanef

;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Zetalisp; Package: USER; Base: 10 -*-
;;; Works under Release 7.1.

(defmethod (:create-directory fs:lmfs-pathname :after) (&rest ignore)
  (let ((inherited-properties '(:default-generation-retention-count
	(directory (send self :directory-pathname-as-file))
	(superior (send (send self :up-directory-level)
    (loop for property in inherited-properties
	  do (fs:change-file-properties directory nil property
					(get (fs:file-properties superior) property)))))