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Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 19:34 EST
From: Daniel L. Weinreb <DLW@alderaan.scrc.symbolics.com>
Supersedes: <19880331204830.4.DLW@CHICOPEE.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
Comments: Retransmission of failed mail.
Resent-Date: Thu 31 Mar 88 22:34:29-CST
Resent-From: SLUG.ADMIN@r20.utexas.edu
Resent-To: SLUG:;@r20.utexas.edu
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 10:05:38 +0200
From: mcvax!pilatus!ceb@uunet.UU.NET
However, if you do
(set 't nil)
which should amount to the same thing, then it somehow slips by, and
t evaluates to nil.
Fixed in Genera 7.2. Coming soon...
Well, in the Beta version at least, only the special case of setting T
is fixed. SET still lets you change the value of other symbols
declared with DEFCONSTANT.
- References:
- T = NIL
- From: "Daniel L. Weinreb" <DLW@alderaan.scrc.symbolics.com>