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PostScript screen images ?

    Date: Wed, 4 May 1988 13:47-EDT 
    From:     Ingemar.Hulthage@CS.CMU.EDU

	     Is there a reasonably easy way to produce a PostScript file
	     with the image of the Symbolics screen ? (Genera 7.1)

;;; In 7.1:
(defun screen-dump-to-file (filename)
  (let ((hardcopy:*default-bitmap-printer* (list :file filename :lgp2)))
    (tv:kbd-hardcopy-whole-screen nil)))

;;; In 7.2:
(defun screen-dump-to-file (filename)
  (let ((hardcopy:*default-bitmap-printer* (list :file filename :lgp2)))
    (hci::kbd-hardcopy-whole-screen nil)))

There are also functions kbd-hardcopy-selected-window and