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Monitor video output

    Date: 8 Nov 88 14:22:00 PST
    From: karlerik@control.lth.se (KARL-ERIK ]RZEN)

    We would like to show the screen of a 17" Symbolics 3650 on a large
    video projection system. Is this possible? What is the nature of the
    video signal at VIDEO OUT on the console?

    Karl-Erik Arzen
    Dept. of Automatic Control
    Lund Institute of Technology
    Lund, Sweden

    Email: karlerik@control.lth.se

Unfortunately, this is not simple.  Symbolics uses digital phase encoding of
video and sync signals to allow the console to be cabled up to 1000 ft away from
the CPU.  The Video In and Video Out connectors on the rear of the console use
the encoded video.  Additionally, Symbolics' consoles are high bandwidth and
high resolution compared to normal broadcast television systems.  Special
projectors are needed to handle the high bandwidth.

Here's a file we use for reference when a customer needs project B&W or color
video from a Symbolics system:

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We now have a means of projecting the video signal from all of our display
systems including the video from the Console.

1) Projecting the B+W Console Video

The video signal which goes from our CPU to the console is phase encoded.
Before that signal can be projected it must be decoded into the component video
and sync signals.  The decoder unit is available from:

	Marcus Julian
	Comcept Associates
	617-227-9399 (he can also sometimes be reached at SCRC)
	Cost - individual quote

Another possible source of a decoder is

	Tempe Arizona
	Att. Marvin ????

There are two video projector units which can run at the required horizontal
frequency (52 KHZ Horz, 60 Hz vert, non-interlaced) for the console.

	Electrohome's CAD/CAM-2000
	Contact - T Sutherland
	Electrohome Electronics
	Cost - about $21K

	Hughes' Liquid Crystal Light Valve Graphics Projector
	Contact - Mike Franck
	Cost - about $45K

2) Projecting the Cadbuffer's output

There is one video projector unit which can run at the required horizontal
frequency (64 KHz Horz, 60 Hz Vert, non-interlaced) and has color capability.
No decoder box is required as this unit accepts RGB video.

	Electrohome's CAD/CAM-2000
	Contact - T. Sutherland
	Electrohome Electronics
	Cost - about $21K

3) Projecting the High Resolution Color System's output

The following can project the output of the High Resolution Color System's
output regardless of the number of bit planes in the system.  This assumes that
a high resolution (32 KHZ Horz, 30 Hz Vert, interlaced) screen is running.  No
decoder box is required as these units accept RGB video.

	Electrohome's CAD/CAM-2000, or ECP-1000
	Contact - T. Sutherland
	Electrohome Electronics
	Cost - about $21K

	Aquastar IIIC or 600
	Contact - Electronic Systems Products
	Cost - $11K for IIIC, $14K for the 600

	General Electric Light Valve
	Contact - Donna Pacheck
	Cost - $40K plus 

	Barco's Barcodata 3
	Contact - Kevin Barlow
	Elector USA, Inc.
	Cost - $16.2 

	General Dynamics' DynaColor
	Contact - Jack Bereford
	Cost - $If you have to ask... 

4) Projecting the Broadcast Resolution Color System's output

The following can project the output of the Broadcast Resolution Color System's
output (15.7 KHZ Horz, 30 Hz Vert, interlaced).  No decoder unit is required as
these units accept RGB video.

	Electrohome's ECP-1000
	Contact - T. Sutherland
	Electrohome Electronics
	Cost - about $21K

	Aquastar IIIC or 600
	Contact - Electronic Systems Products
	Cost - $11K for IIIC, $14K for the 600

	General Electric Light Valve
	Contact - Gary Simon
	Cost - $40K plus

	Barco's Barcodata 3, Barcovision
	Contact - Kevin Barlow
	Elector USA, Inc.
	Cost - $16.2 for the 3, $10K for the Barcoovision

	Panasonic's CT-10010M
	Contact - Hoffman Video
	Cost - $6.2K

	Ikegami's TPP-500
	no info - currently marketed only in Japan
	Kloss' Videobeam
	Contact - Steve Jackson
	Cost - $6K

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