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short-term courses wanted!

                                        System S/W Lab.
				        Samsung Electronics
				        San 14, Nongseo-Ri, Kihung-Eup
				        Yongin-Kun, Kyungki-Do, Korea
				        Tel) 02-745-0084~7 (ext. 481)
				        FAX) 0331-46-9125

Dear helper:

  We want the short courses (or programs) related to AI being held by
Research Center, University, Industry Education Center and Conference 
Society, etc. They must be held on before Mar. 6, or after Mar. 10.

  We heard that Symbolics, TI and Standford Univ. had many AI short-term 
courses. But I have none. If you have any one, send me the information about it.
That include registeration procedure, fee, schedule, topic etc.
Please, reply me as soon as possible.

  Your help will be deeply appreciated!!

			     Sincerely yours,

			     Heejoong Kang
                     E-mail: hjkang@sst.sst.co.kr (CS-net)