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Ugly Rumours

    Date: Thu, 16 Feb 89 12:46 PST
    From: Gumby@MCC.COM (David Vinayak Wallace)

	Date: Thu, 16 Feb 89 09:51 CST
	From: vaughan@MCC.COM (Paul Vaughan)

	Speaking of standard hardware, is there currently any plan
	to port Genera to a Unix box?

		Also, while we're on rumors, does anyone know the status and plans
	for Symbolics CLOS?  Is it possible that Symbolics will be doing an X
	Windows version of Genera?

    No, but AT&T has contracted Symbolics to re-write uucp and sendmail.

    Unfortunately, the contract is in jeapardy because Sun is trying to buy
    Symbolics.  It appears that the plan is that Sun will buy Symbolics,
    then issue a press release the same day announcing that Dynamic Windows
    has become "a de-facto industry standard for Unix" under Sun's tutelage.

I love it.

I hope everyone understands that Gumby is making a joke here...