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Advance Program for SLUG-89

Friends: Attached, after delays since last week due to Riverside/DIALnet
problems, is the latest draft of the Advance Program for SLUG-89, to be
held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the week of the 12th of June,
1989 (it is only crudely formatted for this e-mail version). We have 150
pre-registrants, not including many foreign attendees and, of course,
Symbolics personnel who we expect to turn out in force, and with the
latest products and plans.

As the heading below states, this Program is still undergoing
adjustments --- which is essential. After all, a conference is a set of
coordinated conversations among individuals and among organizations, and
as such requires collaborative design, which in turn takes time and
iteration.  And there are matters of a strategic and technical nature
that are being decided even in the short time between now and that week
in June that we are poised to enjoy and join in.

Titles for some Symbolics are still being confirmed.

I hope to see you there.

Paul Pangaro, President 
National Symbolics LISP Users' Group
Voice: 202-547-7775
FAX  : 202-547-6910

P.S. If you have questions about registration, etc., please phone
Shelanski Associates at 215-922-5757.


  		         1SLUG-89 Advance Program

0                           2FIFTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL 
0                              312th - 16th June 1989

0                                    3Hosted By
0                     3MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
0                             3Cambridge Massachusetts

0                2"Styles and Strategies for Software Integration"

       3Over0 3time,0 3software0 3developers0 3increasingly0 3encounter0 3the0 3demand
0       3for0  3making0  3their0  3Symbolics0  3software0  3usable0  3in0  3other,0  3sometimes
0       3less-expensive0 3and0 3always0 3less-powerful0 3environments.0 3The0 3theme0 3of
0       3this0 3Conference0 3focuses0 3on0 3the0 3available0 3styles0 3and0 3strategies0 3for
0       3making0 3systems0 3developed0 3under0 3the0 3Symbolics0 3Genera0 3accessible0 3in
0       3other environments.

0       3Symbolics'0  3strategies0  3for0  3doing0  3this0  3are0  3manifold,0  3as0  3will0  3be
0       3discussed 0 3and0  3demonstrated0  3at0  3the0  3conference.0  3We0  3are0  3also
0       3witnessing0 3an increasing0 3number0 3of0 3third0 3party0 3vendors0 3with0 3their
0       3own,0 3unique approaches;0 3these0 3too0 3will0 3be0 3presented. Given0 3our
0       3continuing0  3love0  3affair0  3with0  3the0  3development0  3tools0  3and0  3high
0       3performance0  3of0  3the0  3Symbolics,0  3what0  3strategies0  3are0  3there0  3for
0       3maintaining the0 3high0 3style0 3(i.e.,0 3speed,0 3elegance,0 3flexibility)0 3of
0       3development0 3on Symbolics,0 3while0 3allowing0 3a0 3smooth0 3transition0 3to
0       3run-time in other hardware and software?

0                                    2Locations

0       3Locations0 3are0 3numbered0 3by0 3building0 3number0 3and0 3room0 3number,0 3and0 3the
0       3room number0 3indicates0 3the0 3floor.0 3For0 3example0 34-2700 3is0 3Building0 34,
0       3Room0 3270,0 3which0 3is on0 3the0 3second0 3floor.0 3See0 3the0 3map0 3for0 3indicated
0       3places.

0       3Room 54-100: Main Conference Hall for all plenary sessions

0       3Room0  34-270:0  3Tutorial0  3Classroom,0  3also0  3used0  3for0  3other0  3parallel
0       3sessions

0       3Room 4-231 & Room 4-249: As needed for parallel sessions

0       3Student0  3Center0  3"Twenty0  3Chimneys":0  3Machine0  3Room0  3for0  3demos0  3and
0       3general congregating.0 3The0 3Student0 3Center0 3has0 3many0 3informal0 3spaces
0       3nearby0  3to0  3sit,0  3talk, 0 3eat.0  3Machine0  3room0  3hours0  3on0  3Wednesday0  3and
0       3Thursday0 3for0 3demonstrations0 3and access0 3to0 3machines0 3are0 3expected0 3to
0       3be0 312:000 3Noon0 3to0 310:000 3PM;0 3however,0 3you0 3can gain0 3access0 3to0 3the
0       3room0 3(for0 3example,0 3for0 3dropping0 3off0 3tapes)0 3at0 3any0 3other conference
0       3times. The Student Center itself is open 24 hours.

0       3All0 3meals0 3(except0 3Continental0 3Breakfast,0 3Wednesday0 3through0 3Friday)
0       3are0  3on0  3your 0 3own;0  3suggestions0  3for0  3dining0  3facilities0  3will0  3be
0       3provided at the Conference.

0                             2Conference Organization

0       3Organization Committee
0               3Glenn Adams, Chair
0               3Richard Billington, Georgia Institute of Technology
0       3Program Committee
0               3Paul Pangaro, Chair (slug-president at ai.sri.com)
0               3Joe Karnicky, Varian Research Center
0               3Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corporation
0       3Symbolics Liaison
0               3Reza Seddigh, Symbolics, Inc. (slug-liaison at ai.sri.com)
0       3Conference Management
0               3Shelanski Associates, Philadelphia
0               3Debbie Risi, Symbolics, Inc.
0               3Reza Seddigh, Symbolics, Inc.

0       3Active Directors of SLUG-US Board (slug-board at ai.sri.com)
0               3President: Paul Pangaro, PANGARO Incorporated
0               3Vice President: Bill York, International LISP Associates
0               3Director: Richard Billington, Georgia Institute of Technology
0               3Director: Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corporation

0       3Additional SLUG-US Officers
0               3Treasurer: Rusty Johnson, Mystech Associates, Inc. 
0       3                   (slug-treasurer at ai.sri.com)
0               3Membership Secretary: Bill Anderson, Mystech Associates, Inc. 
0                       3               (slug-membership at ai.sri.com)
0               3Internet Coordinator: Mabry Tyson, SRI (slug-request at ai.sri.com)
0               3National Librarian: Mac Michaels, MCC (slug-librarian at ai.sri.com)

0       3We0 3are0 3grateful0 3to0 3Prof0 3Patrick0 3Winston0 3and0 3the0 3MIT0 3Artificial
0       3Intelligence0 3Laboratory0 3for0 3their0 3gracious0 3hosting0 3of0 3our0 3meeting.
0       3Our thanks0 3also0 3to0 3Shelanski0 3Associates,0 3for0 3excellent0 3response0 3to
0       3all0  3the 0 3twists0  3and0  3turns0  3of0  3conference0  3planning;0  3to0  3all0  3at
0       3Symbolics0 3who0 3have contributed0 3time0 3and0 3approved0 3the0 3donation0 3of
0       3resources,0  3especially 0 3Howard0  3Cannon,0  3Susan0  3Zelmann-Rohrer,0  3Jack
0       3Slavin,0 3and0 3Jay0 3Wurts; and0 3special0 3thanks0 3to0 3Reza0 3Seddigh0 3for0 3his
0       3untiring attention to our stated and unstated needs.
0       2Monday

0       31:00 PM - 2:00 PM0       3Registration near Room 4-270

0       32:00 PM - 5:30 PM0       3Tutorial: 2Metering & Performance
0       3Room 4-270

0       2Tuesday

0       38:00 AM - 9:00 AM0       3Registration near Room 4-270

0       39:00 AM - 12:30 PM0      3Tutorial: 2Overview of the Joshua Language
0       3Room 4-270

0       31:00 PM - 2:00 PM0       3Registration near Room 4-270

0       32:00 PM - 5:30 PM0       3Tutorial: 2Symbolics Windows & User Interfaces
0       3Room 4-270

0       2Tuesday Evening

0       36:30 PM - 9:30 PM0       2Symbolics' Sponsored Reception
0       3Cambridge Center
0       3Marriott0                3An excellent opportunity to meet with Symbolics' management
0                               3and staff in an informal setting with refreshments and 4hors
                               d'oeurves 3generously provided by Symbolics.

0       2Wednesday

0       3Plenary Sessions (all day)

0       37:30 AM - 5:00 PM0       2Conference Registration3 near Room 54-100

0       37:30 AM - 9:00 AM0       2Continental Breakfast & Informal Discussions
0       3Room 54-100

0       39:00 AM - 9:45 AM0       2Opening Session
0       3Room 54-1000             3SLUG Officers and Committees; Symbolics' SLUG Liaison

0                               3State of SLUG and Symbolics' SLUG Liaison; discussion of
0                               3SLUG Board Election; Local Users Groups, Nationally and
0                               3Internationally; Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

0       39:45 AM - 10:00 AM0      2Theme & Structure of Conference

0       310:00 AM - 10:15 AM0     2Issues raised by Attendees for Conference
0                               2Response 3(including Birds-of-a-Feather)

0                               3Short discussion in which attendees indicate topics they
0                               3wish to be addressed by the conference, especially
0                               3questions to Symbolics, and listing of small, special
0                               3interest groups to meet this evening under the
0                               3"Birds-of-a-Feather" concept.

0       310:15 AM - 10:45 AM0     2BREAK 3with Refreshment

0       310:45 AM - 12:15 PM0     2PANEL DISCUSSION on issues of User Interface
0       3Room 54-1000             2Portability & Symbolics
0                               3Dan Cerys (Chair), Bolt, Beranek and Newman
0                               3Bill York, International LISP Associates, Inc.
0                               3Andrew Ressler, Liszt Programming, Inc.
0                               3Scott McKay, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3One of the most important topics in the future of LISP
0                               3and software engineering workstations as a force in
0                               3application development, the means for migrating/
0                               3porting/ re-writing/ re-compiling source code for user
0                               3interfaces will be presented, with extensive
0                               3question/answer period.

0       312:15 PM - 2:000         3PM0      2Informal Discussions and LUNCH

0       32:00 PM - 3:30 PM0       2Symbolics Management Presentations
0       3Room 54-1000             3Jay Wurts, Chairman, President & CEO
0                               3Richard Karash, VP Marketing
0                               3Howard Cannon, VP Product Marketing
0                               3Susan Zellmann-Rohrer, VP Corporate Communications
0                               3Other members of the Symbolics' Executive Board
0                               3Members of the Symbolics' Executive Board will present
0                               3their strategic direction for the company.

0       33:30 PM - 4:00 PM0       2BREAK3 2& Informal Discussions

0       3Parallel Sessions

0       34:00 PM - 4:30 PM0       2Generic Blackboard Development System
0       3Room 4-2310              3Kevin Gallagher & Daniel Corkill 
0                               3University of Massachusetts (Amherst) and ACSIOM Labs,
0                               3Amherst, MA

0                               3The Generic Blackboard Development System (GBB) is a
0                               3development tool for constructing high-performance
0                               3blackboard-based systems.  GBB contains four distinct
0                               3subsystems: a high-level blackboard database compiler,
0                               3a set of knowledge source shells for situations where
0                               3native Common Lisp is unsuitable; a growing set of
0                               3generic control shells; and a graphic display subsystem
0                               3for examining the blackboard.

0       34:00 PM - 4:55 PM0       23600 Owners Group 
0       3Room 4-2490              3Fred Yaitanes, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Gathering of 3600 owners to share experiences of the
0                               3machine, its maintainability and future.

0       34:55 PM - 5:05 PM0       2Short BREAK

0       35:05 PM - 6:00 PM0       2DIALnet: Configuring and Using 
0       3Room 4-2310              3Bill York, International LISP Associates
0                               3Eric Crawley, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3A "how-to" session on DIALnet. To include question/
0                               3answer time for specific problems.
0       35:05 PM - 6:00 PM0       2Network Workshop 
0       3Room 4-2490              3John Dunning, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3A question/answer session. Experienced users are
0                               3encouraged to come and share ideas.

0       35:05 PM - 6:00 PM0       2Formatting with3 2Concordia 
0       3Room 4-2700              3Dennis Doughty, International LISP Associates

0                               3Brief introduction and question/answer session about
0                               3making Concordia format the way you want.

0       36:00 PM - 8:00 PM0       2Informal Discussions & DINNER

0       2Wednesday Evening

0       38:00 PM -0               2Birds-of-a-Feather3, as arranged and announced during the day
0       3All Rooms

0       2Thursday

0       38:00 AM - 9:10 AM0       2Registration & Continental Breakfast & Informal Discussions
0       3Room 54-100

0       3Plenary Sessions

0       39:10 AM - 9:150  3AM0      2Conference Updates
0       3Room 54-100

0       39:15 AM - 10:15 AM0      2Detailed Technical Presentations by Symbolics on Products,
0       3Room 54-1000             2Present & Future
0                               3Symbolics Technical Staff
0                       3       
0                               3The hottest technical topics from Symbolics current and
0                               3future products; detailed topics and top developer
0                               3personalities to be provided by Symbolics, but possible
0                               3topics include Ivory, Languages, AI Products, CLOE,
0                               3Genera.

0       310:15 AM - 10:45 AM0     2BREAK & Informal Discussions3 with Refreshment

0       310:45 AM - 12:15 PM0     3Technical Presentations (continued)
0       3Room 54-100

0       312:15 PM - 2:00 PM0      2Informal Discussions and LUNCH
0                               3Registration Desk Open at Room 54-100
0                               3SLUG Board Meeting

0       32:00 PM - 3:45 PM0       2PANEL DISCUSSION 3on Porting programs written in 
0       3Room 54-1000             3Symbolics Common Lisp
0                               3Joe Karnicky, Varian Research Center, Chair
0                               3Hunter Barr, Bolt Beranek & Newman 
0                               3Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corporation
0                               3Commentary: Charlie Hornig & Kent Pitman, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Emphasis: porting programs written in Symbolics Common Lisp
0                               3under Genera to other hardware, lisp environments, and
0                               3operating systems.  Presentation of specific experiences and
			0       3general question/answer on the topic.

0       33:45 PM - 4:15 PM0       2BREAK & Informal Discussions

0       3Parallel Sessions

0       34:15 PM - 5:45 PM0       2PANEL DISCUSSION on Porting with C
0       3Room 4-2310              3Barry Margolin (Chair), Thinking Machines Corporation 
0                               3David Taylor, Thinking Machines Corporation
0                               3Hunter Barr, Bolt Beranek & Newman
0                               3Charlie Hornig & Donald Sakahara, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3The participants will discuss their experiences in
0                               3programming in C on Symbolics workstations, using
0                               3ZETA-C and Symbolics C.

0       34:15 PM - 5:10 PM0       2International Users' Groups & Organizing3 2Local 
0       3Room 4-2490              2Users' Groups (How To)
0                               3Paul Pangaro (Chair), PANGARO Incorporated
0                               3Brian Hoover & Ron Beaty, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Representation from local groups from around the
0                               3globe, discussion of the support that Symbolics provides
0                               3such groups, and guidance in forming such groups in
0                               3your area.

0       34:15 PM - 5:10 PM0       2Special Interest Groups AI (SIG-AI):  
0       3Room 4-2700              2Joshua, Concordia, Statice
0                               3Bill Anderson (Chair), Mystech Associates, Inc.
0                               3Howie Shrobe & Jackie Covo, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Gathering of users (and others) to discuss these
0                               3products and their synergies.

0       35:10 PM - 5:20 PM0       2Short BREAK

0       3        - 5:45 PM0       2Porting with "C"3 (continued)
0       3Room 4-231

0       35:20 PM - 6:15 PM0       2Customer Experiences with CLOE Developer
0       3Room 4-2490              3[Chair to be announced]
0                               3Kent Pitman & Paul Robertson, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Users of CLOE gather to share experiences.

0       35:20 PM - 6:15 PM0       2Special Interest Group in Graphics (SIG-GRAPHICS) 
0       3Room 4-2700              3Don Miskowich, Symbolics Graphics Division

0                               3Users of the Symbolics Graphics Products
0                               3gather to share experiences.

0       2Thursday Evening

0       38:30 PM - 1:00 AM0       2SLUG3 2Sponsored Thursday Night Reception & Entertainments
0       3Cambridge Center
0       3Marriott
0                               3An evening revel, with refreshments, entertainment and
0                               3participatory theatre. Contribute your skits and songs to
0                               3those already planned.
0       2Friday

0       38:30 AM - 9:10 AM0       2Registration & Continental Breakfast & Informal Discussions

0       3Plenary Sessions

0       39:10 AM - 9:30 AM0       2SLUG Elections 
0       3Room 54-100

0                               3Nominations for SLUG Board as gathered during the
0                               3conference are voted on.

0       3Then:0                   2Symbolics Education Services and Software Raffles

0                               3Jack Slavin, VP North American Sales
0                               3Reza Seddigh, Symbolics' SLUG Liaison, Symbolics, Inc.
0                               3Paul Pangaro, President, National SLUG

0                               3Free software and tutorials as donated by Symbolics will
0                               3be raffled here (you must be registered for the 3-day
0                               3conference to qualify).

0       39:30 AM - 10:15 AM0      2Symbolics Graphics Division Presentation 
0       3Room 54-1000             3Don Miskowich, SGD Marketing

0                               3Videos of the latest spectacular production capabilities
0                               3of the Symbolics' graphics capabilities.

0       310:15 AM - 10:40 AM0     2BREAK & Informal Discussions3 with Refreshment

0       310:40 AM - 12:00 PM0     2Symbolics Customer Issues: Question/Answer Session
0       3Room 54-1000             2and3 2Reverse Q/A
0                               3Reza Seddigh & Paul Pangaro (Co-Chairs)
0                               3Jay Wurts, Chairman, President & CEO 
0                               3Rick Karash, VP Marketing
0                               3Howard Cannon, VP Product Marketing 
0                               3Don Sundue
0                               3Howie Shrobe
0                               3David Andre
0                               3Mike Hilgenberg

0                               3Session in which attendees and Symbolics raise and
0                               3answer questions, especially on those topics not
0                               3completely covered during earlier conference sessions,
0                               3and on matters Symbolics desires input.

0       32:00 PM - 2:50 PM0       2Intelligent Data Reduction
0       3Room 4-2310              3Michael Brady, Johnson Research Center,
0                               3University of Alabama in Huntsville
0       3  
0                               3Most modern physical systems include sensors
0                               3which continuously emit health and performance
0                               3information.  This presentation will describe
0                               3a system implemented on the Symbolics for
0                               3filtering data based on the environmental
0                               3context, i.e. the user's current focus and the
0                               3relative importance of the data.

0       32:00 PM - 2:50 PM0       2System Construction Tools (Usage3 2& Portability) 
0       3Room 4-2490              3Doug Dodds, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Guidance in using the Symbolics' SCT in maintaining
0                               3systems.

0       32:00 PM - 2:50 PM0       2Site Management Workshop 
0       3Room 4-2700              3Eric Crawley, Symbolics, Inc.

0                               3Question/answer session on managing Symbolics' sites.

0       23:00 PM0                 2End of Conference

                              2SLUG Contact Numbers

0       3SLUG0 3maintains0 3a0 3single,0 3constant0 3mailing0 3address0 3in0 3Cambridge,
0       3Massachusetts.0 3Though0 3this0 3is0 3only0 3a0 3mail0 3box0 3and0 3all0 3mail0 3is
0       3forwarded (introducing0 3minor0 3additional0 3delays),0 3the0 3consistency
0       3of0 3the0 3address0 3beyond the0 3yearly0 3elections0 3and0 3changes0 3of0 3officers
0       3is a major advantage.

0       3The address is:

0       3SLUG
0       31430 Massachusetts Avenue --- Suite 306-108
0       3Cambridge, Massachusetts  02138

       3For0 3convenience0 3and0 3facilitating0 3matters0 3in0 3a0 3timely0 3manner,0 3the
0       3following0 3contact0 3numbers0 3are0 3also0 3provided.0 3Please0 3note,0 3however,
0       3that0 3they0 3may0 3become0 3obsolete0 3over0 3time,0 3and0 3for0 3matters0 3less0 3than
0       3urgent the previous address should be used.

0       3SLUG Liaison:

0       3Reza Seddigh
0       3Symbolics, Inc.
0       39600 DeSoto Avenue
0       3Chatsworth, CA 91311
0       3Voice:0  3818-998-36000            3FAX:0    3818-998-3735
0       3E-Mail:0         3slug-liaison@ai.sri.com

       3Questions of Membership Status:

0       3William Anderson
0       3National Membership Librarian
0       3c/o Mystech Associates, Inc.
0       3One Skyline Place  --  Suite 1200
0       35205 Leesburg Pike
0       3Falls Church, VA  22041
0       3Voice:0  3703-671-86800            3FAX:0    3(same, via receptionist)

       3Questions about the Library:

0       3(Alas,0 3as0 3of0 3this0 3date0 3we0 3are0 3losing0 3our0 3superb0 3Librarian,0 3Mac
0       3Michaels of0 3MCC.0 3Until0 3he0 3is0 3replaced,0 3please0 3route0 3all0 3Library
0       3requests0 3through the0 3SLUG0 3address0 3in0 3Cambridge,0 3given0 3above,0 3and
0       3questions about the Library through the President, below.)

0       3Questions about procedures, etc.:

0       3Paul Pangaro, President, National SLUG
0       3c/o PANGARO Incorporated
0       3800 3rd Street NE
0       3Washington DC 20002 USA
0       3Voice:0  3202-547-77750            3FAX:0    3202-547-6910
0       3E-Mail:0         3slug-president@ai.sri.com