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Lisp Talk: June 20, 7:30 PM, Cupertino CA.

Received: from JOHN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM by ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM via CHAOS with CHAOS-MAIL id 25959; Wed 14-Jun-89 17:12:32 PDT
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 89 17:12 PDT
From: Eric Buckman <BUCKMAN@ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM>
Subject: Lisp Talk: June 20, 7:30 PM, Cupertino CA.
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SVNet Meeting Tuesday, June 20th at Apple Computer Auditorium, Cupertino
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               ||            ***  LISP  ***              ||
               ||                                        ||
               || when your code needs to speak clearly  ||
               ||                                        ||
Topic:    LISP, past, PRESENT, and Future
          Since its creation in 1957 by John McCarthy, the Lisp programming
          language has gone through many changes. While most people associ-
          ate Lisp with Artificial Intelligence applications, Lisp provides
          a  variety of other programming features useful in other environ-
          ments, as well.
          Our speaker this evening will provide some valuable background on
          the language, as well as:
                  - Lisp as a prototyping language
                  - Applications development with Lisp,
                  - and what the future holds for Lisp.
Who:      Dr. James G. Veitch, Franz Lisp, Inc.
          Dr. Veitch graduated with honors from Flinders University in Aus-
          tralia,  receiving his BS in mathematics.  He has been with Franz
          Lisp since 1986, and is a Senior Software  Engineer,  working  on
          program  development  environments.  Prior to joining Franz Lisp,
          Dr. Veitch was a member of the Technical Staff at Bell Labs, lec-
          tured at Princeton University, and taught at UC Berkeley.
When:     June 20, 1989  -   7:30pm
Place:    Apple Computer's Auditorium
          10500 North De Anza Blvd
          Cupertino, CA
  ("Southeast" corner of De Anza and Mariani Avenue, just South of Highway 280)
          ->  Please use South entrance to building  <-
          July 18 - Intel's I860 - blazing silicon (tentative)
Ralph Barker (408) 248-8649,  Jim Joyce (415) 626-7581,  or, Paul Fronberg (408) 737-5643
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