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ZMAIL Move question.
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 89 18:23 EDT
From: Barry Margolin <barmar@Think.COM.ARPANET>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 89 14:17 PDT
From: snicoud@atc.boeing.com (Stephen Nicoud)
I'd like ZMAIL to merely append or
prepend the message to the selected file.
You can't do that with Zmail. Zmail is patterned after Zmacs: files
are read into buffers, manipulated, and then written back to files.
Hmmm. Too bad. 8^(
How difficult would it be to add a mail command to do this? We don't
have mailer sources, so I can't judge this myself. It would be
extremely useful, though. Especially if it were one of the mouseable
command options and one of the Map Over options in addition to an
extended command.