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ACCEPT question

    Date: Thu, 7 Sep 89 14:11:52 EDT
    From: jim@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Jim L. Washburn)

	    Does anybody know of a way to use ACCEPT where it won't take
    textual input, just mouse gestures?  I have an interface where 1 pane
    will be used for graphical icons bound to flavor instances.  The problem
    is that if you type while this interface is exposed the output goes to the
    pane running ACCEPT.  I cannot seem to disable this.  I've tried using a
    define-presentation-type where the :parser would be a readline-no-echo and
    any kbd input would just get discarded but this fails with a message about
    the pane (or any other window I have tried so far including the listener) does
    not accept :input-wait messages.  So far my other experiments with disabling 
    kbd input when the interface is exposed have come to nought, sometimes disastrously.
    I am trying to create an interface with just icons and graphics and all user 
    operations are done thru the icons, no typing needed or wanted due to the target
    users of this system.

					    -- Jim

Don't use ACCEPT, because you're not interested in the parser, per se,
you're only interested in the mouse sensitivity which depends upon the
input context and the presentation type of the presentations involved.

(defun SILENT-ACCEPT (presentation-type &optional (stream *standard-input*))
  (dw:with-presentation-input-context (presentation-type)
	 (sys:read-character stream :presentation-context T)
	 (beep nil stream))
     (T (values (dw:presentation-blip-object blip)
		(dw:presentation-blip-presentation-type blip)))))