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laserwriters, aka LGP2s.
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 15:38:20 EDT
From: gavan@cmx.npac.syr.edu (Gavan Duffy)
Help. I'm about to purchase a printer. I've used LaserWriter IINTs
before, but never a LaserWriter IISC. The later is $1500 cheaper, so
I'm inclined to buy one of them. However, do they work as LGP2s? Are
they infinitely slower? Should I save the money by buying a LaserWriter
IISC or should I pay the money and get an NT?
I don't think the LW IISC uses Postscript, it uses Quickdraw, so the
Symbolics LGP2 formatting code won't know how to work with it. Also,
does it have an RS-232 port, or just a SCSI port?