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epsilon fix/customization
- Subject: epsilon fix/customization
- From: "TSD::AIP1::\"Len%HEART-OF-GOLD\"%atc.bendix.com %RELAY.CS.NET"@WARBUCKS.AI.SRI.COM
- Date: Fri, 29 Sep 89 10:27:00 EDT
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 89 09:23 EDT
From: Len Moskowitz <Len@HEART-OF-GOLD>
Reply-To: moskowitz%bendix.com@relay.cs.net
Subject: epsilon fix/customization
To: "3077::IN%\"slug@warbucks.ai.sri.com\""@TSD1
In-Reply-To: Your message of 14 Sep 89 08:53 EDT
Message-ID: <19890929132304.2.LEN@HEART-OF-GOLD>
Character-Type-Mappings: (1 0 (NIL 0) (NIL :BOLD NIL) "CPTFONTCB")
For all the DNA users:
Here's a simple extension of Bruce Miller's epsilon patch that partially fixes
the wrongly generated reply address problem. If the message has an address in
a Reply-to: field, Zmail will use it for the To: address in replies.
;;; Maybe while we're at it, we can add a fix for the REPLY-TO: header line. -
;;; LM 9/20/89 09:19:08
;;; If the message had a Reply-to: field, we stuff the address into sender-line. We let this
;;; function return multiple values.
(defun handle-additional-header-lines (stream header-stream subject-line sender-line)
(let ((whitespace '(#\space #\tab #\return))
(cant-continue-p t)
(headers nil)
buffer start end)
(flet ((copy ()
(let ((new (cl:make-array (- end start) :element-type 'cl:string-char)))
(copy-array-portion buffer start end new 0 (- end start))
;; Must set this here so last buffer we read (which fails header test) will have CR in it
;; [See SYS:DNA;DNA-USER & SYS:DNA;DNA-MAIL] We need the CR's anyway.
(send stream :set-disgusting-newline-kludge t) ; Makes sure we get real CR's
(loop do ; For each line of input from the `message'.
(setf (values buffer start end)(send stream :read-input-buffer))
(let ((i start))
;; Case 1: Line starts with whitespace -> blank line or `continuation' line (if something to cont.)
(cond ((or ( i end)(member (aref buffer i) whitespace))
(loop while (and (< i end)(member (aref buffer i) whitespace)) do (incf i))
(cond (( i end)(setq cant-continue-p T)) ; Ignore blank lines, for now
;; If you dont like that the put (RETURN) in place of the setq.
(cant-continue-p (RETURN)) ; This must be message body
(T (push (copy) headers)))) ; A continued line.
;; Case 2: potentially a header. Must have hyphenated word followed by :
(T (loop while (and (< i end)
(or (alpha-char-p (aref buffer i))
(eql (aref buffer i) #\-)))
do (incf i))
(unless (and (> i start)(eql (aref buffer i) #\:))
(return)) ; Done if failed header test.
(let ((header (copy)))
(if (subject-line-p header) ; If subject line, use this line instead
(setq subject-line header ; Note: If subject continues, then problems!!!
cant-continue-p T)
1;; Added the IF and the first condition - LM 9/20/890 109:25:18
0 ;; Assume that if there's a Reply-to: field, it has the correct sender
;; address.
(if (reply-to-line-p header) ; If reply-to line, use this line instead
(setq sender-line header ; Note: If reply-to continues, then problems!!!
cant-continue-p T)
(setq headers (cons header headers) ; Otherwise, stick it with others.
cant-continue-p nil)))))))
;; Unless we're out of the loop, absorb whatever it was we read.
(send stream :advance-input-buffer end)))
;; Now put all header lines into the header stream, Yes, in reverse order!
(loop for header in headers do
(send header-stream :add-header-line header))
1;; Return multiple values - LM 9/20/89 10:10:08
0 (values subject-line sender-line)))
To complete the patch, insert this line
;; 1Added by LM 9/19/89 17:18:25
0 (scl:multiple-value-setq (subject-line sender-line)
(handle-additional-header-lines stream header-stream subject-line sender-line))
into the method (:SERVER-TOP-LEVEL DNA-MAIL-SERVER) in SYS:DNA;DNA-MAIL right after
the line that adds a #\RETURN to the header using :ADD-HEADER-LINE.