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Parsing numbers
- Subject: Parsing numbers
- Date: Fri, 29 Sep 89 12:57:02 EDT
Received: from GEORG.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM by ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM via CHAOS with CHAOS-MAIL id 41510; Fri 29-Sep-89 09:56:12 PDT
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 89 09:56 PDT
From: Montgomery Kosma <kosma@ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM>
Subject: Parsing numbers
To: slug@ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM
In-Reply-To: Your message of 29 Sep 89 09:38 PDT
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I was trying to read some numbers on a MacIvory (Genera 7.4) and
noticed some peculiar behavior. I got the same results on a 3640
running 7.2. (In the following examples the LET form was evaled,
the number after ON was entered and the thing after the -> was
returned. (TYPE-OF *) yielded the thing after the ,)
But this next one is wrong. "A" is a perfectly good hexadecimal digit
and should not be interpreted as an alphabetic.
(let ((*read-base* 16)) (read)) on 1A3 -> 1A3 , SYMBOL
Well, would it be "wrong" if you had a variable named 1A3 that for some
perverse reason :-) the reader thought was a hexadecimal digit? It
seems like somebody just had to make a decision about which is higher
priority, interpreting as a symbol or a hex number. Anyway,
here's what the manual has to say about it:
1Reading Integers in Bases Greater Than 10
0 2The reader uses letters to represent digits greater than 10.3 2Thus,
0 2when3 4*read-base*2 is greater than 10, some tokens could be read as
0 2either3 2integers, floating-point numbers, or symbols.3 2The reader's ac-
0 2tion on3 2such ambiguous tokens is determined by the value of
0 4si:*read-extended-ibase-unsigned-number*2 and
0 4si:*read-extended-ibase-signed-number*2.3 2Setting these vari-
0 2ables to 4t3 2causes the tokens to be always interpreted as numbers.3 2A
0 4nil2 setting causes the tokens to be interpreted as symbols or
0 2floating-point numbers.3 2The above variables can have two other, in-
0 2termediate3 2settings, as explained in the Dictionary entry.
0 2Examples:
0 5(setq *read-base* 16) => 16
0 5(+ 10 5) => 210 5;this works as expected
0 5(+ c 2) => signals an error because c is an unbound symbol
0 5(setq si:*read-extended-ibase-signed-number* t) => T
0 5(+ c 2) => 14 0 5;now c is read as a number
0 5(+ #xc 2) => 140 5;always safe
0 1Compatibility Note2:3 2The fact that the reader depends on the value
0 2of3 2these variables to tell it how to interpret tokens when the value of
0 4*read-base*2 is greater than ten, rather than just automatically3 2inter-
0 2preting them as numbers, is an incompatible difference from the3 2lan-
0 2guage specification in 6Common Lisp, The Language2.
0Good luck!