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Efficiency of local fns and closures
>(defun foo (x y)
> (labels ((bar (z)
> (some-function y z))) ;free reference to y
> (bar (some-other-function x))))
>I have a two-part question regarding efficiency:
>-Kurt Godden
> godden@gmr.com
The easy answer is to run it:
I tried 5 versions of a double loop call (1000000 calls):
1. Empty loop
2. Original version as above
3. External function bar
4. Internal function bar, with 2 arguments, no free reference
5. unfolded operation of functions (* (1+ z) y))
Times in seconds:
Symbolics: Sun 3/280 Lucid 3.0...
1. 1.753 2.82
2. 22.34 89.02
3. 15.434 62.92
4. 16.401 64.28
5. 5.46 ---
Note that the timing operation was in favor of the Sun, in that only the user
time is included, total time for the Symbolics.
External function is more efficient, free variable reference costs time.
(Internal definition without variable reference is almost the same as external
Keith Price.