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silly (?) question about mixed definitions and packages

   From: "kosma%ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM"%ALAN.kahuna.DECNET.LOCKHEED.COM@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM
   Date: Fri, 3 Nov 89 16:45:55 CST

   Received: from KARL.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM by ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM via CHAOS with CHAOS-MAIL id 4992; Fri 3-Nov-89 14:42:52 PST
   Date: Fri, 3 Nov 89 14:42 PST
   From: Montgomery Kosma <kosma@ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM>
   Subject: silly (?) question about mixed definitions and packages 
   To: slug@ALAN.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM
   Message-ID: <19891103224243.4.KOSMA@KARL.LAAC-AI.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM>

   When compiling and loading the following file (a set of stubs,
   essentially, to get some other stuff to compile without actually having
   another whole system available), I am getting the following error:

   Warning:  Function CLOSE, being redefined by file TRI:MOM;BIG-MOM;DATAVAULT-SIMULATOR-HACK,
   was previously defined by file SYS:CLCP;IOFNS. OK? (Y, P, or N) Proceed.

Hi Monty,
  The problem is your definition of the CMFS package, you don't supply a :USE 
argument, so the package defaults to using the LISP package, which means that
CMFB inherits LISP:CLOSE.  Perhaps you want (MAKE-PACKAGE 'CMFS :USE NIL).

--Dan Aronson
Thinking Machines Corporation

   and here's the file:

   ;;; -*- Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: MATRIX; Base: 10; Mode: LISP; Default-character-style: (:FIX :EXTRA-CONDENSED :NORMAL) -*-

   (defun matrix::dv-open (&rest ignore))
   (defun matrix::matrix-read (&rest ignore))
   (defun matrix::matrix-write (&rest ignore))

   (export '(matrix::dv-open matrix::matrix-read matrix::matrix-write) 'matrix)

   (in-package 'cmfs)

   (defun cmfs::close (&rest ignore))
   (defun cmfs::mkdir (&rest ignore))
   (defun cmfs::unlink (&rest ignore))						
   (defun cmfs::close-all-files (&rest ignore))

   (export '(cmfs::close cmfs::mkdir cmfs::unlink cmfs::close-all-files) 'CMFS)


   monty kosma
   lockheed research