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DRAFT Agenda for SLUG/SMBX Meeting of 15 December

Friends: We of the SLUG Board invite your further comments on the
evolving Agenda for this important meeting with Symbolics. Please send
your comments as soon as possible. We are still considering additional
users to be attendees, please contact me privately. Thank you.


1			 Agenda for Meeting
2			  DRAFT 10 December 89

1			 SLUG and Symbolics

			    15 December 89 
			     Burlington MA
		       10:30 - 3:00 PM (nominal)

2Confirmed Attendees for SLUG: Richard Billington, Barry0 2Margolin, Paul
Pangaro, Andrew Ressler; Bill York or alternate.

Confirmed Attendees for Symbolics: Jay Wurts, Jack Slavin, Ken Tarpey,
Rick Karash, Howard Cannon, Ron Beaty (also representing Education
Services), Gary Roberts, David Andre, Johanna Rothman, Reza Seddigh.

[Note: The shape of the  meeting is still under discussion, however the
proposal is to divide the day into a general/strategic/executive session,
followed by a more specific, perhaps product-oriented one. Lunch will be
brought in to conserve time, though a change of venue sometime during the
day would be important.]

1			     Agenda Items:

2State of Symbolics/SLUG Liaison: pre- and post- SLUG-89; general
assessment of the relationship; how past, present and future needs of SLUG
are to be met; specific commitment and resources to be allocated by

Flow of Technical Information via the Sales Offices: Discussion of actions
taken on this policy since last SLUG-Symbolics meeting; reasons for failure
of the approach; any means, including SLUG aid, to bring about

2Bug Tracker: Reasons for failure to provide this capability to users; current
effort being expended by Symbolics; strategy for collaboration on design,
testing and deployment; specific commitment and resources to be allocated
by0 2Symbolics; specific timetables.

DIALnet Status: Success with installation of greater capabilities; brief
review of delays in implementation; remaining uncertainties and problems in
maintenance (responsibility, reportability);0 2discussion0 2of0 2final steps for0 2use
by0 2all users.

Strategies for Stimulating Development of Application Programs on
Symbolics0 2and for Delivery on Symbolics; Software License Fees0,2 the0ir2 policy
and cost; purpose; impact on used hardware market; modifications to policy
to encourage keeping machines in use.

General Strategic Direction of the Company: Overall hardware and software
direction; placement of Symbolics within the industry; "after Ivory"; role of
existing0 2and0 2future users in Symbolics' planning.

Specific Futures for software enhancements, bug fixes and support for
Genera,0 2layered0 2products.

Specific Futures for 36xx hardware.

SLUG-90 Liaison: General timing issues; establishing specific individuals to
serve as contacts between SLUG and Symbolics in these areas:

	Hardware/Platform Issues
	Layered Products/Applications
	System Administration

[Other SLUG-90 areas to be enumerated, including Conference Demo
Arrangements; Education Services Tutorials; Symbolics Reception
Arrangements; Requests for0 2Topics0 2and0 2Individuals as Speakers; Symbolics