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Replies to: What is "The Database Book"?

Received: from THOMAS.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com by ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com via INTERNET with SMTP id 18258; 25 Jan 90 11:21:55 PST
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 90 11:21 PST
From: Robert D. Pfeiffer <RDP@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com>
Subject: Replies to: What is "The Database Book"?
To: SLUG@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com
In-Reply-To: <19900104161437.9.BARMAR@OCCAM.THINK.COM>,
Message-ID: <19900125192148.3.RDP@THOMAS.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com>

A few weeks ago I asked the question, "What is 'The Database Book'?"
For the benefit of SLUG readers, here are the replies (unfortunately, I
never did find out a reference for Statice):

    Date: Thu, 4 Jan 90 11:14 EST
    From: barmar@Think.COM (Barry Margolin)

    "An Introduction to Database Systems" by C. J. Date.  I think Date is
    generally considered the Knuth of databases.

    Date: Wed, 3 Jan 90 18:13:12 PST
    From: Bob Riemenschneider <rar@ads.com>

    I'd say that if there is one, it's Ullman's _Principles of Database and
    Knowledge-Base Systems_.  But then I'd say Hopcroft and Ullman is "the"
    formal languages and automata book, and that Aho, Sethi, and Ullman (a.k.a.
    the [Red] Dragon Book) is "the" compiler book, so I may be predjudiced.

    If it turns out that there's a consensus pick other than Ullman, I'd like 
    to hear what it is!

							    -- rar@ads.com
