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Costs of Upgrade MacIvory I -> MacIvory II
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 90 16:56+0100
From: gmdzi!eric%rainbow@uunet.UU.NET (Erich Rome)
this is a request to Symbolics customers in the United States.
Some people here at GMD (German National Research Center for
Computer Science) want to upgrade their MacIvory Processor
Model I to Model II. Symbolics Germany charges DM 18,500
Did anyone reply? If not I will follow up for you. Please let me know.
Paul Pangaro, President
National Symbolics LISP Users' Group
c/o PANGARO Incorporated
800 3rd Street NE
Washington, DC 20002 USA
Voice: 202-547-7775
FAX : 202-547-6910