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CLOS bug?

    Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 10:38:12 -0400
    From: fwhite@BBN.COM (Fredric M White)

      This bug is biting me bad. Maybe someone already has a workaround?
    Or maybe I'm losing my mind?

I don't have any brilliant answers, but I can confirm the behavior.  I
described the various generic function and method objects before and
after redefining the method and don't see any difference, and
CLOS:COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS returns the correct value even when
ZOOT-NAME works wrong, so I suspect there is a cache somewhere that is
not being updated when the defclass is implementing the :READER option;
the second DEFMETHOD forces the cache to be flushed or reset from the
generic function information.

The only workaround I can think of is to not use :READER similar
options, but instead to define the reader and writer methods using

(clos:defmethod zoot-name ((object zoot))
  (clos:slot-value object 'name))

It might be a little slower, but it should be correct.
