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Fun with *zwei-comtab*
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 11:34 EDT
From: IANNUCCI@IBM.COM (Bob Iannucci)
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 08:23 EDT
I'm using a Sun with the UX board and like it a great deal. There is
one nagging problem, however...
Any ideas? And no- I don't want to buy a symbolics keyboard for the
Many thanks, Bill
... which leads me to ask, is there now a way to put a Symbolics keyboard (and
mouse) on a Sun? The last time I asked (4 months ago) there was not, and the
Symbolics rep led us to believe that Symbolics viewed this as a technically
insurmountable task (I did and do find this hard to believe).
There is no such option and there never will be. It's not technically
insurmountable; it's just not really necessary and not worth spending
our limited resources on.