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Re: CLIM on a UX displaying through Motif [Really getting PCL]

In message entitled "Re:  CLIM on a UX displaying through Motif" on Jul 18, 
Dan Haug quotes Andreas Baecker:

> [CLM info]
> This software has been tested on the following configurations:
>    - Sun 3 with SunOS 4.0, X11R3/4 server, X11R3 xlib, Motif 1.0,
>      and Sun CL 
>    - CLM only: Sun 3 with SunOS 4.0, X11R3/4 server, X11R3 xlib, Motif 1.0,
>                and Sun CL 
>      We havn't tested GINA on Sun CL because we don't have Victria Day PCL
>      for it, but we think it works ...
>      (Please drop us a note where to obtain PCL !)
I suppose most people know this already, but it can be obtained via
anonymous FTP from arisia.xerox.com. 
					- Marty Hall
hall@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu                 Artificial Intelligence Lab
hall%aplcen.apl.jhu.edu@cunyvm.bitnet   AAI Corp
..!uunet!aplcen!hall                    PO Box 126
(301) 683-6455                          Hunt Valley, MD 21030