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question about command menus
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:55 PST
From: maglio%cogsci@ucsd.edu (Paul Maglio)
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious: Is there any way to get
two different command menus in one program framework to share
menu items? Like can one command have more than one menu-level?
Maybe what I want are hierarchical command menus...
Any answers, ideas, or comments are greatly appreciated.
Sure, but the documentation (P76, Book 11, dw:define-program-command) is
incorrect, it shows:
....&key ...
(menu-level '(:top-level))
which (to me anyway) implies a quoted list of menu levels that you want the
command to appear on. Actually if you use a NON-quoted list, it works fine,
i.e. :menu-level (:top-level :another-menu)
Here's an example I tested it out with, it seems to work fine.
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: USER; Base: 10 -*-
(dw:define-program-framework 1oi
0 :select-key #\o
:command-definer t
(:inherit-from '("colon full command" "standard arguments" "input editor compatibility")
:kbd-accelerator-p 'nil)
:state-variables (
((status :display)
(tasks :display)
(display :display
:redisplay-after-commands t
'((dw:margin-scroll-bar )
(dw:margin-scroll-bar :margin :bottom)))
(listener :listener
:typeout-window t
`((dw:margin-scroll-bar )))
(menu :command-menu :menu-level :top-level)
(menu-2 :command-menu :menu-level :menu-2))
(:layout (dw::main :column row-1 row-2) (row-1 :row column-2 display)
(column-2 :column status tasks) (row-2 :row menu-2 listener menu))
(:sizes (dw::main (row-1 .8) :then (row-2 :even))
(row-1 (column-2 .25) :then (display :even))
(column-2 (status 5 :lines) :then (tasks :even))
(row-2 (menu :ask-window self :size-for-pane menu)
(menu-2 :ask-window self :size-for-pane menu-2)
:then (listener :even))))))
(define-oi-command 1(com-0menu-test
:menu-accelerator t
:menu-level (:top-level2 0:menu-2))
(format (dw:get-program-pane 'display) "A test ~%"))