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MacIvory Problem: Accessing the Floppy-Disk
I've a problem using the Mac-Toolbox on a MacIvory.
I want to access the mac-floppy-disk from genera,
but don't want to get macintosh-errors like
'Please insert the disk xyz'.
I tried this:
(condition-case ()
(open pathname :direction :probe)
(mtb:mac-os-error-nsverr nil))
This returns nil and no Lisp-Error, but 'Please insert
the disk xyz'.
Maybe, I have to use an other function for macintosh-
Then I tried
(mtb::do-mac-volumes (name refnum volparameter)
to find out, whether there is a floppy-disk or not.
Unfortunately, it also lists the last floppy-disk
being used, even if I did eject it before.
Maybe, I can get some useful information from the
'volparameter' (Its an 64-array of numbers.) ? What
is the meaning of these numbers? Is it decribed in
'Inside Macintosh' ?
Inke Bruening
bruening@gmdzi.uucp or bruening@gmdzi.dbp.de