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UX400 8.1 booting headaches s/n UX01130 - Urgent [1]

    Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1991 10:23 EDT
    From: buff@pravda.cc.gatech.edu (Richard Billington)

    I've followed the instructions for rebuilding the first of our UX400 systems.
    I'm getting the distribution from a remote mounted cd-rom. Just as a side
    note, the extract_cdrom file was named extract_cdrom. and the file with the
    current size information in it also had a "." appended to its name. 

This was a change Sun apparently made between SunOS 4.1 and 4.1.1, just
to trip us up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

    script, therefore, didn't work. I moved the two misnamed files (and the rest of
    the directory) to a place where I could rename them, and then everything went
    smoothly ...

    Until, that is, I tried to bring up the new Genera 8.1 world. I immediately
    got the error:

	    /dev/ivory0: embedding communication area clobbered

    or something very close to that.

That means that for some reason the ivory-life program isn't running.
Is it started by your /etc/rc file (the installation program offers to
set this up for you)?  Is ivory-life logging an error & exiting when you
boot the Sun (check /var/adm/messages)?

    I don't know what to try next. I tried power-cycling the sun, but that changed
    nothing. I don't have to rebuild the FEP partition, do I?

No, you don't.