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Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1991 20:45-0400
From: Kent M Pitman <KMP@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
The discussion is about what happens when there are two equally near
integers. In that case, ROUND always goes to the even one. e.g.,
(ROUND 1.5) => 2, -0.5
(ROUND 2.5) => 2, 0.5
(ROUND 3.5) => 4, -0.5
(ROUND 4.5) => 4, 0.5
Ooops. Guess I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Never Mind! (in your best Emily Lattella voice) :-)
Stephen L Nicoud <snicoud@boeing.com> uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
Boeing Computer Services Research and Technology, Computer Science
Bellevue, Washington USA
"I ask unananimous consent to revise and extend my remarks."