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Try this on your Symbolics

OK, it's been a tough day, and it's only 9:15 a.m.  Anyway, I
needed something to take my mind off of this program that has
been misbehaving in the most incredible fashion, so I went back
to a strange phenomenon that I noticed some time ago to see if
I could make any sense out of it.  I still don't think it makes
sense, but I thought I would share it with you.

Try the following form on your Symbolics:

(loop for days from 14 to 34 do (format t "~%") (time:print-interval-or-never (+ (* 100 365 86400) (* days 86400))))

In both Genera 7.2 (what most of my machines run) and in 8.0.1
(the most recent release I have) it produces the following output
(by the way - I added the stars :-)

99 years 50 weeks 5 days
99 years 50 weeks 6 days
99 years 51 weeks
99 years 51 weeks 1 day
99 years 51 weeks 2 days
99 years 51 weeks 3 days
99 years 51 weeks 4 days
99 years 51 weeks 5 days
99 years 51 weeks 6 days
99 years 52 weeks
100 years              ********************
100 years              ********************
100 years 1 day
100 years 2 days
100 years 3 days
100 years 4 days
100 years 5 days
100 years 6 days
100 years 1 week
100 years 1 week 1 day
100 years 1 week 2 days

I somehow doubt that the fate of Western Civilization hangs
in the balance, but I found it interesting.

BTW:  None of my work dependes on this, this isn't a bug
or a problem - this is just a result of extreme frustration
with something else, and you are all the innocent victims!

BTW^2:  I know about leap days and centuries - I just think this
is a strange way to handle the problem.

Try not to think about it and have a nice day :-)

John Reading