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secure subnet problems
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1992 15:09 EST
From: Scott_Busse@mindlink.bc.ca (Scott Busse)
I'm having the same problem as David R. Strip described, wherein any
attempts to access the namespace server (3650, on Genera 8.1.1, named
MindsEye or M)are refused.
I haven't gotten anything from David recently.
In one case, I'm trying to put and get files from the server with
TCPTP on an amiga. I had no problems doing this when the server was
on Genera 7.2, but now I get an error message to the effect "Amfar
(the Amiga) refused FTP access." This error cropped up when I upgraded
to 8.1.1.
In the other case, another 3650 (named Sentia or S) previously had
no problems under 7.2. Now alot of water has passed under the bridge
since I started trying to fix the Amiga problem, and somewhere some-
time the inter-Symbolics net started showing the same problems
described by David. This case is not as important to me as the Amiga
problem, since this machine has intermittent A-Mem problems anyway,
but I'm assuming the problems are caused by the same beast.
I'm using bogus INTERNET addresses (M - INTERNET, CHAOS
401 : S - INTERNET, CHAOS 402 : A (amiga) - INTERNET I set the INTERNET Network object subnet masks to
INTERNET-SUBNET-MASKS (("" "")) as was
described in David's reply, to no avail (actually it was the user
property field in the INTERNET Network object), to no avail.
Enable services ALL was issued, I tried rebooting, all having no
effect. I'm probably missing something, can anyone tell me what it
Thanks for any help! Scott
That subnet mask doesn't look correct. First of all, if you're not
using subnetting, you don't need an INTERNET-SUBNET-MASKS property at
all. By default, an IP address beginning with a 200 octet uses the
first three octets as the network and the last octet as the host, which
seems to match what you're doing. If you wanted to make this default
explicit, you would write:
In each entry in the subnet masks list, the left entry is a class A, B,
or C network address and the right entry is the bit mask that indicates
which part of such addresses is the subnet field rather than the host
field. If you're using the last octet as the host field, the above is
the correct mask.
Your subject line mentions secure subnets, but you didn't show your
Secure Subnets value. It should contain, or you can just set
it to "All" if you don't want secure subnet checking (e.g. if you're not
connected to the Internet -- which seems likely since you're using an
unassigned IP address).
By the way, it would probably be a good idea for you to get an
officially assigned IP network. That way, if you ever do connect to the
Internet you wouldn't