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more software rot

This function ran six months ago.  I am clueless as to why it is breaking now,
under 8.1.  It allocated a window, drew a blob into the window, and then drew
the outline to the blob using the same list of points and the same function
calls, except with :FILLED NIL.  Now the blob gets drawn, but the software
explodes on the second call.  Looks like some weird flavors are getting called,
maybe having to do with running on a MacIvory instead of a 3620?

Code fragment:
   (setq my-window 
		:edges-from :mouse      ;INTERACTIVELY SPECIFY WHERE IT GOES.
		:expose-p T 	:save-bits T
		:deexposed-typeout-action :PERMIT    ;:NORMAL :EXPOSE     :error :notify
		    ;Use this magic to get rid of the scrolling elevator-bars.
		  `((dw:margin-borders)   ;Margin components trashes the label.
		    (dw:margin-label   :margin :bottom
				       :string ,name
				       :character-style (nil :bold nil)))))

  (let ((STREAM my-window))
    ;Draw Blob.
    (graphics:drawing-path (STREAM 	     :filled T  :gray-level *face-grey*)
      (graphics:draw-cubic-spline  my-pointlist     ;POINTLIST MUST INCLUDE THE START AT THE END.
				  :start-relaxation :cyclic  ;:relaxed :anti-cyclic :clamped
				  :stream STREAM
				  :number-of-samples   20   ;Graininess of curve, NOT the number of points.

(format T "Blob drawn. ABOUT TO CRASH.")
    ;Draw Outline.
    (graphics:drawing-path (STREAM 	     :filled NIL )
      (graphics:draw-cubic-spline my-pointlist     ;POINTLIST MUST INCLUDE THE START AT THE END.
				  :start-relaxation :cyclic  ;:relaxed :anti-cyclic :clamped
				  :stream STREAM
				  :number-of-samples   20   ;Graininess of curve, NOT the number of points.
(format T "Blob outline drawn. NEVER REACHES HERE.")

Error: The generic function MTB::UPDATE-GRAPHICS-STATE was applied to the arguments #<ARRAY BIT 799x1152 indirect 1161723176>, 5, #<ARRAY 
       (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) 18 simple 20131346415>, #<ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) 6 simple 20131275150>, (1 1 1133 786), #<MTB::MAC-RPC-MAIN-CONSOL
E 1161574740>.
       The first argument was not of the correct type.
       The function is implemented by the flavor MTB::MAC-RPC-DRAWABLE.

   Arg 0 (SYS:SELF-MAPPING-TABLE): #<Map to flavor MTB::MAC-RPC-SCREEN 20001714733>
   Rest Arg (SELF): #<LOCATIVE 36600371732>