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International Symposium on
Methodologies and Tools

April 22-23, 1993 

Intercontinental Hotel, 
Frankfurt, Germany

LogOnTechnology Transfer    

7 Theme: Object-oriented technology is 
revolutionising software productivity. By using 
objects to model the real world, many companies 
are making significant savings on software 
development costs. 
Object-oriented technology is more than just a 
way of programming - when it is applied 
throughout the entire software development 
cycle, it promotes visualization of problems and 
better understanding of requirements, and leads 
to clearer and more traceable design, as well as 
more maintainable systems. 
This symposium confirms the LogOn tradition of 
previous high-quality, focused, international 
events, and addresses the following aspects of 
object-oriented technology:

V Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
V Object-oriented development environments
V In-depth application case studies 

7 Symposium topics: The symposium 
program includes a series of in-depth 
presentations addressing the following topics:

% What OO methods and tools should companies 
% How to use an OO methodology in practice.
% The OMG standardization effort.
% Real world case studies using an OO approach:
  benefits and problems.
% Steps for integrating object-oriented technology
   into an existing software project.
% How much software reuse is realistically 
  attainable in a company
% What are the benefits of developing reusable 

All speakers have a unique background in object 
technology and system implementation. Most of 
them have appeared in numerous forums around 
the world, giving speeches and lecturing on 
object-oriented technology.

7 Who should attend: Any executive 
responsible for information strategy and 
planning. Project and technical managers. 
System analyst, system designers and system 
integrators. Programmers, developers, and 
engineers. Consultants.

7 Exhibition: The exhibition at the symposium 
will feature a wide spectrum of OO products, 
services and publishers.

Partial List of Past and Present Exhibitors at 
LogOn Events

% Addison Wesley		
% BKS Software
% DIGITAL Corp.		
% Georg Heeg	
% Gopas Software		
% Hewlett-Packard Corp.
% IQproducts			
% Instrumatic Electronic Systems
% Micram Microelectronic		
% Objectivity Inc.
% Objective Systems		
% O2 Technology
% Patzschke + Rasp		
% PBS Professional Business
% Penobscot Development Corp.	
% Prentice Hall International
% SES Scientific and Eng.Software	
% Symbolics Systemhaus	
% SUN Microsystems	
% John Wiley & Sons

LogOn+93 Upcoming Events

Meet the protagonist!

Two-day seminar with:
Dr. James Rumbaugh 
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design

Date:		April 26-27, 1993 
Location: 	Intercontinental Hotel, Frankfurt

Dr. James Rumbaugh is a computer scientist at General 
Electric Research and Development Center in Schenectady, 
New Your, USA, where he has been working on object-
oriented methodologies and tools for many years. Dr. 
Rumbaugh created the OMT methodology, a de-facto 
industry standard and designed the Object Modeling Tool 
graphic editor. He is also the lead author of the best 
selling book Object-Oriented Modeling and Design 
published by Prentice Hall, 1991. He and his colleagues 
developed the OMT methodology described in the book 
based on several real-world applications.

Don`t miss it!

LogOn+93 International Symposium 
and Exhibition on 
Object-Oriented Database Systems 

Date: 		October 10-12, 1993
Location:	Parkhotel, Frankfurt 

LogOn+93 OODBMS returns to Frankfurt, after the 
success of the +92 edition. LogOn OODBMS is the only 
international event exclusively dedicated to Object-
Oriented Database Systems. LogOn+93 OODBMS will 
feature a 3day-extended technical session with international 
recognized speakers, and an industrial exhibition covering 
a wide range of  products.
For more information on LogOn+93 events 
call/fax +49-69-521982. 
New tel/fax after 15.2.93!  +49-6173-2852


April 22, 1993

8:15	Registration

8:45	Introduction to the Symposium
	Roberto Zicari
	Symposium Technical Chair

	Roberto Zicari is Professor of Database and 
	Information Systems at the JW-Goethe University 
	at Frankfurt and Technical Director of LogOn. 

9:00		The OMG Role in OO Open 	
		Distributed Processing	
		Richard Soley
		Object Management Group, Inc. (USA)

		Dr. Richard Soley is Vice President and Technical 
		Director of the Object Management Group (OMG), 
		an international consortium of over 300 	
		companies all over the world,  working to 	
		standardize heterogeneous distributed application 
		integration. Dr. Soley is responsible for the  
		technical vision of the organization and oversees 
		the product direction of OMG`s standardization 
		committee.Dr.Soley holds a PhDdegree from MIT.
10:30		Coffee break

OO Methodologies
11:00		Pragmatics of Building OO
		Systems using the Booch 

		Marc Goldberg	
		Rational Europe (France)

		Marc Goldberg is Object Oriented Product Manager 
		for Rational Europe in Paris. He has led the 
		development of several decision support systems 
		using object-oriented technology and has been 
		involved in developing a CASE environment in 
		C++. He is an authority in applying the Booch 
		method in real life projects.

12:15		Objectory: A Use Case Driven 
		Sten Jacobson	
		Objective Systems (Sweden)	

		Sten Jacobson is Manager at Objective Systems. 
		He is a recognized expert of the Objectory 	
		methodology as defined in the new book "Object-
		Oriented Software Engineering", published by 
		Addison Wesley, 1992.

13:15		Lunch

14:45		A Pragmatic and Field-Proven 
		Approach to OO Software

		John Pocock
		VSF Ltd. (UK)

		John Pocock is Technology Executive at VSF, a 
		wholly-owned subsidiary of the MAIT Group of 
		Companies. Mr. Pocock is responsible for the 
		technology directions of the company. He has 
		previously worked for Plessey (UK) and was one of 
		the Co-founder of Systematica(UK). Mr. Pocock 
		holds a first class Honours degree in Mathematics 
		from Southampton University.

15:45		Introducing the Object 
		Technology in Complex Projects

			Georg Beier	
		Instrumatic Electronic Systems (Germany)
		Dr. Georg Beier is a consultant at Instrumatic  
		Electronic Systems. His main activities are in the 
		areas of software engineering and organizational 
		structure. Dr. Beier holds a degree in Physics from 
		the Technical University of Munich.

16:45		Coffee break

17:45		Which OO Methods and Tools 
		Should We Choose? Panel

		Moderator: Richard Soley (OMG)
		Panelists: Marc Goldberg (Rational) 
		and others to be announced.	
18:30		Products Special Demo

19:00		End of the first day

April 23, 1993

OO Environments
  8:30		Dynamic Modeling of Real World 
		Objects with Smalltalk

		Alfred Peisl
		Si-Dynamics (Germany / USA)

		Alfred Peisl is CEO of Si-Dynamics.

  9:30		Coffee break

10:00	 Working Objects: Some Real-
	 Life Experiences in applying OO
	 Development tools at Digital

		Andrew Buchanan	
		Digital Corporation (France)	

		Andrew Buchanan is an international consultant  
		for Digital Corporation. He has been working with 
		OO technology since 1981. Mr. Buchanan main 
		activity is in the integration of OO technology 
		with relational and OO databases.

11:15		 Experiences with OO Technology 
		 at Hewlett Packard

		 Otmar Degenhard	
		 Hewlett-Packard (Germany)	
		Otmar Degenhard is member of  the CASE 	
		Competence Center of Hewlett-Packard in 	
		Bblingen, Germany.

OO Environments
12:15		ROCK: Including knowledge 
		representations into objects

		Bruce Russell 
		Carnegie Group, Inc. (USA)

		Dr. Russell is Vice President/ GTT Division 
		Manager  (Government, Text, Technology) at 
		Carnegie Group. He has 24 years of experience in 
		software engineering. Dr. Russell+s most recent  
		position was Vice President of Product 	
		Development at Non-Procedural systems(USA). 
		Dr. Russell holds degrees from Harvard, the 
		University of Wisconsin, and the National 	
		University of Ireland.

13:15		Lunch

14:45		Objects Reusability in Practice?

		Sesha Pratap 
		CenterLine Software, Inc. (USA)   

		Sesha Pratap is Chairman and Co-founder of  
		CenterLine Software, Inc. (formerly Saber 	
		Software). Prior to launching CenterLine Software, 
		Mr. Pratap specialized in evaluating potential 
		investments in computer and computer-related 
		industries for the venture capital firm of James D. 
		Wolfensohn, Inc. Mr. Pratap has more than 10 
		years of experience in system programming and 
		teaching. Mr. Pratap is also board member of the 
		Object Management Group (OMG)

16:00	Kala - When an OODBMS 
	Won`t do! 

	Sergiu S. Simmel 
	Penobscot Development Corp. (USA)

		Sergiu Simmel is President and CEO of Penobscot 
		Development Corp, and the main designer of the 
		Kala data manager. Mr. Simmel has several years 
		experience of software development in industry.

17:15		Coffee Break

Beyond OT
17:45		Adaptive Software: A Step 
		Beyond OO Software

		Karl Lieberherr	
		Demeter International, Inc. (USA)

		Dr. Karl Lieberherr is Director of Research and 
		Development at Demeter Int. He is also Director of 
		the Center for Software Sciences and  Professor 
		at the Northeastern University in Boston. 	
		Formerly he was a member of technical staff at 
		GTE Laboratories. Dr. Lieberherr is an 	
		internationally recognized  authority in the area of 

18:45		Conclusions

International Symposium on Object-Oriented 
Methodologies and Tools, April 22-23, 1993
First name 
Firma	_______________________________________

Language/Sprache: The official language of the 
symposium will be English. Die offizielle Sprache des 
Symposiums ist englisch.
Documentation / Dokumentation: You will receive a 
complete documentation of the symposium, as well as 
exhibitor information. Sie erhalten eine komplette 
Dokumentation des Symposiums sowie Aussteller-
How to register / Anmeldung: The registration fee is 
DM 1695,-- (+ 15% VAT). The registration fee includes 
documentation, list of exhibitors, lunch and coffeebreaks.  
Die  Teilnahmegebhr  betr
MwSt.), einschlie'lich Dokumentation,  
Ausstellerverzeichnis, Kaffeepausen und Mittagessen.
Special PackageOption Please check/bitte ankreuzen (C)
[] LogOn`93 Int.Symposium on OO Methodologies and Tools 
(22-23.4)				DM. 1695,-
[] LogOn`93 Int. Symp. on OO Methodologies and Tools (22-
23.4) + Two-day Seminar with Dr. J.Rumbaugh (26-27.4).
					DM.  3000,-
Subtotal				DM.
+15% Mwst (VAT)			DM.
Total					DM.

Please complete the application form and mail it to:Fr Ihre 
Anmeldung fllen Sie bitte das Anmeldungsformular aus und 
senden Sie es an:		LogOn, 
			Burgweg 14a, 
			6242 Kronberg, Germany
Attention new tel/fax after February 15, 1993!:
Please pay the registration fee either by including a check or 
by bank transfer.Admission to the conference is only 
possible after LogOn has received the payment. The organizer 
reserves the right to change the program in the event of 
urgent reasons. Bitte berweisen Sie die Teilnahmegebhr vor 
Konferenzbeginn oder senden Sie einen Verrechnungsscheck. 
Konferenzeinla' kann nur gew
bei LogOn eingegangen ist. Der Veranstalter beh
etwaige Programm

[] Check included. Please make check payable to LogOn 
   Verrechnungsscheck liegt bei. Bitte zu Gunsten von LogOn 
[] Bank transfer/ Bankberweisung:           Taunus Sparkasse, 
    		account-no. 550 890 86 BLZ 512 500 00

Place / Ort: The symposium will be held at : Ort des 
Symposiums:	Intercontinental Hotel,
		Wilhelm-Leuschner- Str. 43, 
		6000 Frankfurt am Main 1,
		tel +49-69-2605-0  fax. +49-69-26052221
Cancellation / Rcktritt: In case of a cancellation prior 
to March 22, 1993,  LogOn will charge a fee of DM. 90.- 
(+15%VAT). After March 23, 1993, LogOn will charge 50% 
of the registration fee. In case of cancellation after April 12, 
1993, the total amount is due.  Cancellations must be made by 
writing and you must receive a cancellation number to make it 
valid. Substitutions can be made at any time.Im Falle einer 
Stornierung der Anmeldung bis zum 22.3.1993 erheben wir 
eine Bearbeitungsgebhr von DM 90,- (zuzgl. 15% MwSt.). 
Nach dem 23.3.1993 wird 50% der Teilnahmegebhr in 
Rechnung gestellt. Bei Absagen nach dem 12.4.1992 wird die 
gesamte Gebhr f
Teilnehmers ist mglich. Stornierungen mssen schriftlich 
mitgeteilt werden und werden durch eine Stornierungsnummer 
Accomodation/Zimmerreservierung: A limited 
number of rooms has been reserved at a special rate at the 
conference hotel. Please make reservations directly at the 
hotel, referring to the LogOn Symposium (single room: DM 
250,-). Fr Konferenzteilnehmer steht ein begrenztes 
Zimmerkontingent im Hotel Intercontinental zur Verfgung. 
Bitte nehmen Sie Reservierungen direkt im Hotel unter 
Berufung auf die LogOn Veranstaltung vor. (EZ: DM 250,-)