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historical trivia

   Date:	Tue, 27 Apr 1993 08:47:00 -0700
   From:	Scott McKay <SWM@stony-brook.scrc.symbolics.com>

       Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 11:13 EDT
       From: s9274@srl1.LANL.GOV

       What is the origin of the name "Genera?" Is it the simple plural of
       "genus," or is there more to it? Was "Genera" introduced with 6.0, or
       was it earlier?

   The first release of Genera was 7.0.

   It is indeed the plural of "genus", but was also intended to suggest
   the notion of "generic" as in a "generic function" (rather than the
   connotation of "cheap non-name brand").  I don't remember who came up
   with the name.  Some didn't like it, some did.

Didn't we actually buy that name from the same name consultants that
came up with "Wheels", "Semanticue", "Frame-Up", "Firewall" and the