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Re: T book

I have received several inquiries from people outside Yale interested
in receiving a copy of the T book.  To get a copy of the manuscript, 
send your US mail address to:


It is not feasible to transmit the manuscript source files.  However,
the source code from the book's examples, exercises, and answers will
be included in the upcoming release of T.

The manuscript is over 400 pages, so we don't want to get involved
with massive copying efforts.  Therefore, we will send only one 
copy to each institution, and request that the recipients make that
copy available for others to read or copy.

The publisher (Prentice-Hall) has informed me that the book should 
be "in-stock" before Thanksgiving.

To give you an idea of the level of the text, I quote from the preface:

  This book is not an introductory programming text.  Rather, it is for
  students who have already learned to program in some language other than
  LISP.  Given the ready access most students have to computers these
  days, it is rare to find a college student interested in computers who
  has not previously been exposed to programming.  The odds are pretty
  good that a student's first programming language was not LISP...
  The T language has been used in range of college courses including 
  artificial intelligence, data structures, computer systems, and 
  compiler design.  The present book is suitable as a companion text 
  in such courses.

Here are the chapter titles:

   1 LISP and T  1 
   2 A Tutorial Introduction  6 
   3 Lists  34 
   4 Recursion  60 
   5 Local vs Global Reference  79 
   6 Characters and Strings  92 
   7 Ports: Output and Input  110 
   8 LAMBDA and LABELS  131 
   9 Control  149 
  10 Debugging  174 
  11 Macros  192 
  12 Structures  220 
  13 Objects and Operations  237 
  14 Vectors  259 
  15 Environments and EVAL  290 
  16 Efficiency and Compilation  321 
  17 Implementation of T  339 
   A List of LISP's  348 
     Discusses differences between T, Scheme, and Common LISP.
     Provides compatability packages for T-in-Scheme and T-in-CommonLISP (!?).
   B ASCII Character Codes  365 
   C Answers to Selected Exercises  369 
   D References  409 

We shall also maintain an electronic mailing list for corrections, additions,
and suggestions.  (Discussed in Appendix A).

Note also that the book is based on the new version of T, aka T3.  Thus, we
speak of ports instead of streams, along with other minor changes.