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Re: [Bard Bloom <bard@THEORY.LCS.MIT.EDU>: ANY and ANY?]
In article <26643@yale-celray.yale.UUCP>, slade-stephen@yale writes:
> T seems to have two functions, called ANY and ANY?, which evidently
> behave identically. Both of them are documented. Both ANYs take a
> predicate and some lists, and call predicate on successive cars of lists,
> until it returns true; then the ANY returns true. If none do, it returns
> false. The two are not EQ?.
ANY and ANY? do not behave identically, but they're pretty close. I don't
know how the manual is worded, but I think ANY is supposed to return the
first non-nil value that the predicate returns, whereas ANY? returns #T
or #F (true or false). When I last checked, the definition of ANY? was
something like:
(define-integrable any? (compose true? any))
Similarly ANYCDR?, EVERY? and EVERYCDR?. If you call ANY with a true
predicate, both ANY and ANY? will behave identically.
-- Ashwin.
ARPA: Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,harvard,cmcl2,...}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
BITNET: Ram@yalecs